National Women's Political Caucus Event
NWPC 2006 Session Escape

Wed June 14th
Ambrosia Cafe
(11th and K)

Featuring Debra Bowen, Jackie Speier and many other elected officials.
Time: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 5:30pm PST
Commemorate Women's Equality
From Katharyn Mclearan...
The California Suffrage Parade Coalition is looking for 1,000 stout-hearted women to help them celebrate Women's Equality Day (August 26) dramatically in a parade similar to those that helped the suffragettes gain support for their movement.
Time: Saturday, August 26, 2006 - 9:30am PST
A guide to Womenomics
The Economist

Wednesday 12 April, 2006

The future of the world economoy lies increasingly in female hands

Why can't a women be more like a man? Mused Henry Higgins in "My Fair Lady." Future generations might ask why a man can't be more like a woman. In rich countries, girls now do better at school than boys, more women are getting university degrees than men are and females are filling most new jobs. Arguably, women are now the most powerful engine of global growth.

Stop the Erosion of State-Enacted Consumer Protections
Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization Act - Call Senators Boxer ((916) 448-2787) and Feinstein ((415) 393-0707) or toll free in Washington at 888-355-3588

S. 1955, the Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization Act (HIMMA), was introduced by Sen. Michael Enzi (R-WY) and is slated for a floor vote in the U.S. Senate the week of May 8. This legislation, if enacted, will strip away almost all state-enacted consumer protections for people buying insurance individually or through their employers.

CodePink Davis at the Whole Earth Festival
Celebrate Mother's Day Weekend with CodePINK Davis @ the Whole Earth Festival. CPD will be hosting an amazingly FUN & PINK table at the WEF being held @ the UC Davis campus. May 12, 13, and 14 (Fri. 12pm - 10pm, Sat. 9am - 10pm, Sun. 9am - 6pm). For more information about CodePINK Davis and this event, contact Natalie @ For more information about the Whole Earth Festival, see .
Time: Friday, May 12, 2006 - 12:00pm PST
Water, Water Everywhere

Look outside: The weather seems great, but one or two warm storms out of the tropics melting the snowpack (which is at 200%) and we have 1997 again; or one earthquake on one of the faults in the East Bay knocking out those 150 year-old levees and disaster hits; not just for Northern California but Southern California, and the Central Valley, (the pics are illustrative) which means - much less water for swimming pools, golf courses and most importantly several crops go dry and whither away.

It's Almost Unanimous
Confessions of a Repentant Republican

"I supported George W. Bush in the presidential election in 2000, believing then that he best reflected my love for America and for our tradition of liberty. I supported the war in Afghanistan. In March of 2003, I believed that the invasion of Iraq was justified based upon pre-war revelations presented to Congress and to the American people. Acordingly, the indictments contained herein apply, first and foremost, to myself.

The "Pleasure Marriages" of Iraq
"Shi'ite Islam appears to tacitly recognize that marriage and prostitution exist on a continuum, giving religious sanction to an intermediate category of "pleasure marriage" (also called "temporary marriage" and fixed-term marriage")

Iron Jawed Angels & Presentation by UC Davis Sociologist Dr. Lalia Kiburi.
The Friday Night Film Series Celebrates Women's Herstory Month:
Iron Jawed Angels & Presentation by UC Davis Sociologist Dr. Lalia Kiburi.

Two-time Oscar winner Hilary Swank stars in this powerful portrayal of Alice Paul and the struggle for woman's suffrage. Following the film, Dr. Kiburi will discuss the important connections between race and gender in the struggle for social justice.

Friday, March 24, 6:30pm --

Hinde Auditorium, Sacramento State University Union.
Info: or 916-391-0737.
Time: Friday, March 24, 2006 - 5:30pm PST
Celebrate International Women's Day with Code Pink
Sacramento's New Code Pink Chapter
To Demonstrate March 8

When- 11:30 am to 1:00 pm March 8, 2006
Who- Sacramento Code Pink
Where-Capitol Building West Steps
Why- To Protest War & To Celebrate International Women's Day

Contact: 916-206-0288
Time: Wednesday, March 8, 2006 - 10:30am PST
Lobby Day! - California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom
Lobby Day! - California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom

Date: March 29, 2006
Place: Sacramento, CA

Registration Deadline: March 13, 2006

Join the Planned Parenthood Mar Monte delegation to be part of Lobby Day! Reproductive rights activists all across the state will gather in Sacramento to show their support for birth control and access to reproductive health care. Planned Parenthood Mar Monte will be sending a delegation of staff and activists - some scholarships are available, learn more below.
Betty Friedan, Who Ignited Cause in 'Feminine Mystique,' Dies at 85
Betty Friedan, Who Ignited Cause in 'Feminine Mystique,' Dies at 85
By Margalit Fox
The New York Times
Sunday 05 February 2006

Betty Friedan, the feminist crusader and author whose searing first book, "The Feminine Mystique," ignited the contemporary women's movement in 1963 and as a result permanently transformed the social fabric of the United States and countries around the world, died yesterday, her 85th birthday, at her home in Washington.
Has Wal-Mart declared war on women?

Has Wal-Mart declared war on women?

  • 2 million female employees suing Wal-Mart for gender discrimination
  • Pregnant Wal-Mart worker fired in Connecticut
  • Massachusetts women suing Wal-Mart for being denied legal medicine

Now it looks like Wal-Mart's right-wing war room is at it again. And, this time, they are attacking a woman's right to make her own medical decisions.

Yesterday, three women in Massachusetts sued Wal-Mart and filed a complaint with the state because Wal-Mart refuses to sell legally-approved emergency contraceptive pills. In fact, Wal-Mart chooses not to sell this medication in every state except Illinois, where it is mandated by law.

Wal-Mart has a pattern of right-wing censorship, including banning certain lyrics and artists from selling DVDs and movies, but Wal-Mart's latest move to try and stop women from having legally available emergency contraceptive pills is an attack on our court system and women everywhere.

We need your help. Sign our petition and tell Wal-Mart's CEO Lee Scott to stop Wal-Mart's right-wing war on women and make these legally approved medications available to women.

This is not about whether or not you support abortion. Wal-Mart's policy, if left unchecked, means corporations (in this case the largest seller of goods in the U.S.) can inflict their own political agenda and values onto their customers.

Women deserve better. If women have the legal right to buy emergency contraceptive pills, then Wal-Mart should have to carry and dispense these pills. In many small towns, Wal-Mart is the only place where women can get these pills. In these cases, Wal-Mart's policy is effectively a ban on the sale of emergency contraceptive pills.

Wal-Mart's decision not to sell these pills is nothing short of a war on women and women's reproductive rights. It is an attempt to undermine a woman's ability to make a choice in consultation with her doctor. Which legal medicines any women may choose to take is a decision between herself and her doctor, not between herself, her doctor, and Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart's radical right policy must cease immediately, and Wal-Mart should make these pills available to their female customers.

Now is the time for action. Tell Wal-Mart's CEO Lee Scott to let women make their own choices.

In the coming months, we will be mobilizing our 176,125 supporters to expose Wal-Mart's real agenda, document Wal-Mart's record of exploiting its workers, and build the most powerful grassroots campaign to change a corporation in history.

Wal-Mart needs to change and, with your help, we are building the movement that will change Wal-Mart and build a better America.

Please forward our petition to all of your women friends using the form below.

Thank you for all that you do.

Paul Blank

SOTU Party @ Joey B's 17th/Capitol
California Young Democrats would like to invite all Democrats to view the State of the Union tomorrow night.

Time: Tuesday, January 31 at 5:00 PM - 2 hours

Host: California Young Democrats

Joey B's (Sacramento, CA)
1629 Capitol Ave
Sacramento, CA 95814

Directions: (corner of 17th and Capitol)
Boxer on Judge Samuel Alito
I'm assuming this means she will vote NO. I hope our Republican-lite Senator Feinstein will also vote NO (I'm not holding my breath) --Bill

Statement of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer on the Nomination of Judge Samuel Alito

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today made the following statement on the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court:
CodePink meeting with Medea Benjamin & Natalie Wormeli
Dearest CodePINKers and all Sacramento activists:

Our awesome CodePINK Divas Natalie Wormeli from Davis and Medea Benjamin
from San Francisco, invite you to an organizing and strategizing CodePINK
Sacramento and Davis meeting this Thursday, January 5th, at Juliana's
Kitchen, 1401 G St (14th & G) 5:30p.m.

We are especially excited about our California State Legislature getting
ready to adopt AJR36, our Resolution to Bring Home Our California National
Guard from Iraq. We anticipate lots of energy & bodies coming to Sacramento
to lobby the Assembly, witness this historic vote, and then to engage in
CodePINK trademark creative actions in bringing national attention to our
astounding legislature and our lagging governor, in whose hands we will
NOT allow the resolution to languish.
Planned Parenthood Commemorates Roe: “Choice hangs in the balance, don’t roll back time.”
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Commemorates Roe v. Wade 33 YEARS.
“Choice hangs in the balance, don’t roll back time.”
Sign our Petition, make a contribution, and join us at our Roe Reception & Performance.

January 22, 2006 marks the 33rd anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. “Roe” has come to be known as the case that established the constitutional right of women to choose to have a safe and legal abortion. And yet, now nearly four decades later, choice hangs in the balance as the composition of the Supreme Court is dramatically altered. Just one vote decided Supreme Court cases in favor of protecting the rights of women to make their own decisions about their families and now that vote is threatened to be replaced by Samuel Alito, a judge with a history of anti-choice extremism. Add an unprecedented attack on family planning at the local, state, and international levels and the scales seem stacked against women to control their own bodies and families.