(WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/11/07) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today condemned a new video by Osama bin Laden in which the terror leader eulogizes a 9/11 hijacker.

SEE: Bin Laden Praises 9/11 Hijacker in Anniversary Video (Bloomberg)

In a statement, the Washington-based Islamic civil rights and advocacy group said:

"The despicable actions of the 9/11 hijackers should be repudiated by all Muslims, not praised as examples to follow. There can be no moral, ethical or religious justification for such cowardly attacks on innocent civilians. CAIR joins with Americans of all faiths in mourning the tragic events of September 11, 2001, and asks that we all use today's anniversary to enhance our efforts to repudiate religious extremism and to promote mutual understanding. "

CAIR issued a joint American Muslim statement of condemnation within hours of the 9/11 attacks and published a similar statement in a full-page advertisement in the Washington Post just days later.
Sept 11 Interfaith Remembrance Service for 9/11
Sept 11 Interfaith Remembrance Service for 9/11

The anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11 is only a day away.
A special interfaith remembrance will be held at the Cathedral
of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday evening at 7pm. The service
Time: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - 7:00pm PST
9/11: Who Did It, Why, and How We Can Prevent the Next Such Mass Murder
A Presentation By


Don Paul is the author of several 9/11-related books including “’9/11’” Facing Our Fascist State, “’9/11’” Great Crimes / A Greater Cover-Up, and To Prevent the Next “’9/11’”Abandoning the “New World Order” of Financiers’ Corporate State . Don has also worked with Jim Hoffman on the production of the booklet 9/11; Waking Up From Our Nightmare, and the video documentary 9/11 Guilt; The Proof Is In Your Hands.

The Title of Don’s Sacramento Presentation is

Who Did It,
and How We Can Prevent
the Next Such Mass Murder."

Where: 909 -12th Street, Sacramento, in the Conference Room
When: Saturday, September 8, 2007 at 7PM
Admission: $3 to $10 sliding scale – no one turned away
For further info: Call Dave (916)372-8433
Time: Saturday, September 8, 2007 - 7:00pm PST
Science Friday: Which one of these is not like the others?
Which one of these is not like the others?


Clockwise starting at top left

    Windsor Hotel, Madrid Spain

    1st Interstate Bank building, Los Angeles

    World Trade Center, NYC

    Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai

Watch this video then answer the question

9/11 Ripple Effect
Tuesday, September 11...9/11 Ripple Effect
Backed by expert examination of video evidence, combined with eyewitness accounts and packaged in an

Blanchard Room, Library, 315 E 14th Street 757-1633
Time: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - 7:00pm PST
9/11 Press for Truth
Thursday, August 23...9/11 Press for Truth
Five of the most prominent members of the Family Steering Committee tell their story for the first time on film, providing the most powerful argument yet why 9/11 still needs investigation.
Time: Thursday, August 23, 2007 - 7:00pm PST
Oil, Smoke & Mirrors
Tuesday, August 14...Oil, Smoke & Mirrors
Peak oil, 9/11 & the "war on terror" an eye opening view of our present global situation that many of us would rather not consider.

Blanchard Room, Library, 315 E 14th Street 757-1633
Time: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 - 7:00pm PST
The Great Conspiracy: the 9/11 News Special You Never Saw
The Teach Peace monthly film and discussion series, which explores the issues of war and peace, continues with Barrie Zwicker's The Great Conspiracy: the 9/11 News Special You Never Saw.

The screening will take place on Thursday July 19, 7 PM in the Davis Library¹s Blanchard Room.315 E. 14th St.
Time: Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 7:00pm PST
Michael Moore: 9/11 Could Be Inside Job

In this breaking news article from Aaron Dykes, a reporter from Alex Jones' Prison Planet website (, Michael Moore says that 9/11 could be an inside job. Moore was in Sacramento last week to support health care legislation backed by the California Nurses Association (CNA) and to show a preview of his new documentary, "SICKO."

Michael Moore: 9/11 Could Be Inside Job

Discusses Explosions in Buildings, Demands '100 Angles' of Pentagon Video, and Calls for a New Investigation-- "They Haven't Even Told Us Half the Truth."

Aaron Dykes
Jones Report

Tuesday June 19, 2007

Academy Award winner Michael Moore answered questions on 9/11 truth during a sneak peak of his new documentary, SICKO, in New York.

Our reporters were initially avoided by Moore, but he subsequently decided to approach We Are reporters for a discussion.

Moore brought up his lingering questions on 9/11, which are a clear departure from the 'government negligence' picture he painted in his film Fahrenheit 9/11, released some three years ago.
GOP rivals embrace unproven Iraq-9/11 tie
GOP rivals embrace unproven Iraq-9/11 tie | By Peter S. Canellos, Globe Staff | May 27, 2007

WASHINGTON -- In defending the Iraq war, leading Republican presidential contenders are increasingly echoing words and phrases used by President Bush in the run-up to the war that reinforce the misleading impression that Iraq was responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

In the May 15 Republican debate in South Carolina, Senator John McCain of Arizona suggested that Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden would "follow us home" from Iraq -- a comment some viewers may have taken to mean that bin Laden was in Iraq, which he is not.
"Improbable Collapse" - 9/11 film screening
The Teach Peace twice monthly film and discussion series, which explores the issues of war, peace and the events of September 11, 2001 continues with "Improbable Collapse." After 5 years of research, this film invites viewers to critically examine the controlled demolition hypothesis, and growing phenomenon of doubts surrounding the events of 9/11 and its aftermath.
Time: Thursday, May 17, 2007 - 7:00pm PST
Washington Post: Administration ... to run Shadow Government

Bush Changes Continuity Plan

Administration, Not DHS, Would Run Shadow Government

By Spencer S. Hsu
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, May 10, 2007; Page A12

    President Bush issued a formal national security directive yesterday ordering agencies to prepare contingency plans for a surprise, "decapitating" attack on the federal government, and assigned responsibility for coordinating such plans to the White House.


    It is designated National Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20.

9/11 Truth, Stolen Elections and Beyond
Sacramento 9/11 Truth and Sacramento Area Peace Action

Activist and Videographer

9/11 Truth, Stolen Elections and Beyond:
What’s going on in our country and what can we do about it?
Time: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - 8:00pm PST
Record of Iraq War Lies to Air April 25 on PBS
Are you interested in holding a house party to watch this documentary? If so, let me know and I'll put it up on our site. To find a house party or set up one of your own, click here:

Record of Iraq War Lies to Air April 25 on PBS
By David Swanson

Bill Moyers has put together an amazing 90-minute video documenting the lies that the Bush administration told to sell the Iraq War to the American public, with a special focus on how the media led the charge. I've watched an advance copy and read a transcript, and the most important thing I can say about it is: Watch PBS from 9 to 10:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 25. Spending that 90 minutes on this will actually save you time, because you'll never watch television news again – not even on PBS, which comes in for its share of criticism.

While a great many pundits, not to mention presidents, look remarkably stupid or dishonest in the four-year-old clips included in "Buying the War," it's hard to take any spiteful pleasure in holding them to account, and not just because the killing and dying they facilitated is ongoing, but also because of what this video reveals about the mindset of members of the DC media. Moyers interviews media personalities, including Dan Rather, who clearly both understand what the media did wrong and are unable to really see it as having been wrong or avoidable.
Time: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 - 10:00pm PST
High Crimes and Felonies
Read this very carefully, and slowly, and let it soak in.

Tora Bora wasn't an anomaly nor the first time they let OBL "escape".

High Crimes

    January 11, 2007 -- All the available information indicates that at least one of these crimes was committed and the finger points squarely at the Bush administration.

    On Dec. 13, 2001, the Pentagon released a tape of Bin Laden in which he confessed to his visitor, Khaled Al-Harbi, of prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

    The tape was billed as the smoking gun that proves Bin Laden’s guilt and in order to remove all suspicion of fowl play; the Pentagon released the tape in its entirety.

    If Bin Laden, through his own words, implicated himself in the planning of the 9/11 operations that took 3,000 innocent lives, the rest of the tape, which is a Bin Laden family home video of a downed Special Forces helicopter, implicates the Bush administration in a premeditated act that resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent lives in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other corners of the world.

    A detailed analysis of the tape, the only one of its kind, was summarized in an article published by, “Osama’s Confession; Osama’s Reprieve”. The article shows that the tape was the result of a two-part sting operation run by U.S. intelligence with the help of Saudi intelligence. The first part of the sting was to tape Bin Laden. The second part of the operation was to capture him.

    The Bush administration was the closest ever to Bin Laden and could have captured him on September 26, 2001, the date of the taping; intelligence operatives were feet from him, had 4 days advance notice of the date of the meeting, 24 hours advance notice of the exact location, and knew that Bin Laden would be there for at least 3 hours if not longer since his family and his favorite son Hamza lived in that village and Bin Laden was very likely to stay overnight.

" Loose Change" screening in Davis
" Loose Change"
A comprehensive and informative film on 9/11. British reports of the supposed hijackers who are still alive, faked cell phone conversations, and false flag operations. Does the evidence fit? You be the judge.

The screening will take place on Thursday, April 20, at 7 p.m., in the Blanchard Room of the Davis Public Library, 315 E. 14th St. Admission is free.
Time: Friday, April 20, 2007 - 8:00pm PST
Demand the Truth about 9/11
Demand the Truth about 9/11
Remember what it truly means to be an American and get involved
… and pass this on to others!

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

What you should know about
the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001

Despite recent C-Span and news coverage, most Americans have no idea that there is a growing body of respected Professors, Physicists, Engineers, Scientists, Pilots, Intelligence and Law Enforcement Officers, as well as Foreign Government Officials bringing forth unanswered questions, evidence and expert witness testimony, all of which indicates that we were NOT told the truth about the events of 9/11 in the 9/11 Commission’s Report.

Before you dismiss this as being nothing more than a “Conspiracy Theory”, please review this partial list of prominent people who challenge the 9/11 Commission findings and who champion a new, full and impartial investigation into the events preceding, during and since September 11, 2001:
Overcoming Barriers to 9/11 Truth
Title: Overcoming Barriers to 9/11 Truth
Date: Wednesday March 21
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location Details: 909 12th Street , Sacramento
Contact Name: Dave Kimball
Email Address: afreedmind [at]
Phone Number: (916) 372-8433

Return Engagement
Sacramento 9/11 Truth and Sacramento Area Peace Action present Activist and Videographer KEN JENKINS
A MULTIMEDIA SERIES 9/11 Truth, Stolen Elections and Beyond:
What’s going on in our country and what can we do about it?
Time: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 - 8:00pm PST
Overcoming Barriers to 9/11 Truth
Title: Overcoming Barriers to 9/11 Truth
Date: Wednesday March 21
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location Details: 909 12th Street , Sacramento
Contact Name: Dave Kimball
Email Address: afreedmind [at]
Phone Number: (916) 372-8433

Return Engagement
Sacramento 9/11 Truth and Sacramento Area Peace Action present Activist and Videographer KEN JENKINS
A MULTIMEDIA SERIES 9/11 Truth, Stolen Elections and Beyond:
What’s going on in our country and what can we do about it?
9/11 Eyewitness film screening
The Teach Peace monthly film and discussion series continues with "9/11 Eyewitness." The screening will take place on Friday, March 23, at 7 p.m. in the Blanchard Room of the Davis Public Library, 315 E. 14th St. Admission is free.

For more information, call (530)554-7061 or (530)758-8431 or visit
Time: Friday, March 23, 2007 - 7:00pm PST