Apparently Brad Friedman (BradBlog.com) was on the Ed Schultz show today, Monday 6/12/06 to discuss the Busby/Brilby San Diego election.

Read the blog and enjoy the audio segment.
Become a World Service Corps Citizen
On Wednesday June 14 at 6:30 PM, Executive Director Dwayne Hunn, Ph.D., will talk about the need for the citizen-initiated World Service Corps Congressional Proposals, to put one million volunteers at sites of great need, at home or abroad.
Save The Tower Theatre
I haven't been to a movie in a long time. So when I went to the Tower to see Al Gore's movie this mornng, I was surprised to find that the theater is once again campaigning for its life.

Considering all the events that we have had at 16th and Broadway, I think that we need to participate in saving this great old theater.

Please go to Save the Tower and sign on to help.


Impeach Alberto Gonzales? Why, yes!
California Congressman Darrell Issa is one of the most conservative Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee. So it should come as no surprise that he offered an appropriately cautious and responsible solution for the Constitutional conflict created when members of the Bush administration ordered federal agents to raid the Capitol Hill office of a sitting member of Congress.

"We have the power to impeach the attorney general," Issa told Tuesday's Judiciary Committee hearing titled: "Reckless Justice: Did the Saturday Night Raid of Congress Trample the Constitution?"

Read the story
Power Surge - Cato Institute Report on Bush Abuse of Power
Even the ultra-conservative CATO Institute is screaming.

Read their latest report on our slide into Fascism: Power Surge – The Constitutional Record of George W. Bush

Poster for Event - Support AJR / Impeach Bush and Cheney
This is a quick and easy to print poster for new events. AJR 39 is the Impeachment Resolution. Call your Assemblyman and print this poster Link/>
Stop the Erosion of State-Enacted Consumer Protections
Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization Act - Call Senators Boxer ((916) 448-2787) and Feinstein ((415) 393-0707) or toll free in Washington at 888-355-3588

S. 1955, the Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization Act (HIMMA), was introduced by Sen. Michael Enzi (R-WY) and is slated for a floor vote in the U.S. Senate the week of May 8. This legislation, if enacted, will strip away almost all state-enacted consumer protections for people buying insurance individually or through their employers.

Thank you Stephen Colbert!

While we were busy at the California Democratic Convention, Stephen Colbert was roasting the "shrub" at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Check it out and write a thank you at Thank you Stephen Colbert

California Teacher's Assn. Supports McPherson for Sec of State
California Teachers Association Supports Bruce McPherson for Secretary of State

Have they lost their minds? What is their problem with open transparent voting? Do you know any teachers? Let them know what is at stake. - Bonnie
Bush-Induced Right Wing Mental Dysfunction;
March 23, 2006

Intentional Agoraphobia, Sub-Clinical Panic Disorder and psychologically induced and maintained reflexive political Responses

by Rob Kall

People with the panic disorder known as Agoraphobia basically suffer from the fear of losing control. This fear can become overwhelming. The roots of the word come from agora-- greek for marketplace and phobia fear-- fear of the marketplace. In practical terms, agoraphobics are usually afraid of a range of situations-- the further from the place where they feel in-control, the worse. Some fear leaving their house, some going into big open spaces, some being in lines that they can't get out of. Some won't drive more than a few blocks. Some only drive by one route. If there's a detour, they turn around and go home. You won't find many agoraphobics in a line at Disneyworld. Many don't like any lines, even in the supermarket. Even ordering a meal at a restaurant, or sitting towards the front of a movie theater can be anxiety producing, since the agoraphobic worries about losing control while in front of other people.

How WalMart effects the rest of us
New US study says Wal-Mart receives indirect public subsidies: Wal-Mart's wages are too low - California taxpayers must chip in to support working families

Wal-Mart's wages are too low to support workers and their families. They need public help through food stamps, subsidized housing, and above all for medical expenses. In a new research report by University of California in Berkeley, the annual support costs for the State through its public assistance programmes are 86 million USD.

"Wal-Mart workers' reliance on public assistance due to substandard wages and benefits has become a form of indirect public subsidy to the company. In effect, Wal-Mart is shifting part of its labor costs onto the public", the report states.

NY Times on Diebold and Maryland
March 23, 2006 Editorial Common Sense in Maryland Diebold, the electronic voting machine maker, suffered another sharp setback recently, when Maryland's House of Delegates voted 137-to-0 to drop its machines and switch to paper ballots.

See Common Sense in Maryland

Hart InterCivic's eSlate Approved for Use in California Elections
Secretary of State Bruce McPherson Grants Certification for Voting System

On Friday, March 10, 2006, Bruce McPherson certified the Hart System.

Apparently no media received the press release.

Read the story at Kim Alexander's blog
How To Steal an Election
How To Steal an Election

It's easier to rig an electronic voting machine than a Las Vegas slot machine, says University of Pennsylvania visiting professor Steve Freeman. That's because Vegas slots are better monitored and regulated than America's voting machines,..
GRAPHIC: The Washington Post - March 16, 2006
VP Alan Dechert of Open Voting on KCTC 1320
The Open Voting subcommittee's first successful media effort was aired on KCTC 1320 AM "Moment of Truth".

It is amazing how much Alan Dechert could say about Open Voting, Jackie Goldberg's AB 2097, and Debra Bowen for Secretary of State when Charlie Weiss edits it into three powerful minutes.
Security Analysis of the Diebold .....
Just in case you anyone wanted to see the report submitted to the Secretary of State to meet his certification requirements for the Diebold system - here it is. It is a 38 page adobe pdf, but the summary on pages 1 thru 4 says enough for most persons.
Education Not Effective Defense Against Outsourcing
From the Los Angeles Times

That Good Education Might Not Be Enough
American workers at all levels are vulnerable to outsourcing, experts say, posing a challenge to the assumption that more schooling is the answer.

By Peter G. Gosselin
Times Staff Writer

March 6, 2006

WASHINGTON — When President Bush met with a group of business school students in the Indian city of Hyderabad last week, he came face to face with the very people whose first-rate educations, rising aspirations and readiness to work for a fraction of U.S. wages were tugging jobs overseas, away from even well-educated Americans.
Sac Bee Letter - published 3/3/06 Diebold Risk
Read the full story here: http://www.sacbee.com/content/opinion/letters/story/14225222p-15049608c.html

Published 2:15 am PST Friday, March 3, 2006
Story appeared in Editorials section, Page B6

Risk in Diebold voting

Re "McPherson's choice," editorial, March 1: The secretary of state's certification of the Diebold electronic machines is irresponsible, and The Bee's rebuke of Sen. Debra Bowen is equally irresponsible.
Sac Bee Letter - Outsourcing customer service (web only 03/02/06)
On Feb. 13, while on hold with Quicken customer service, I read most of The Bee.

First I read Dan Walters, who was once again bashing state employee pensions, and I got mad.

Then I read the editorial "Budget sleight of hand," about President Bush's budget. I agreed with the editorial, which elaborated on Bush's tax cuts for the superrich, while the budget attempts to "squeeze more savings from programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, education and housing for lower-income families, the elderly and disabled." Next I read David Broder's commentary "State-U.S. partnership frays as war costs rise" in which he explains the toll on state and local governments caused by the loss of Federal partnership dollars because of the administration's policies.
Free Speech TV - Online programs
If you do not have access to Free Speech TV which is on Dish Network channel 9415, some of their best programs can be viewed online.

"Orwell Rolls in His Grave" is terrific. Some of the best and most knowledgeable progressives, including Mark Crispin Miller and Greg Palast, participated in the program.