Apparently Brad Friedman (BradBlog.com) was on the Ed Schultz show today, Monday 6/12/06 to discuss the Busby/Brilby San Diego election.

Read the blog and enjoy the audio segment.

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Brad straightened him out
Ed started off his show by making fun of bloggers and then started to discredit BradBlog for reporting that there were 68,500 absentee ballots to be counted after election night. Brad never said there were 68,500 abs. ballots in Dist. 50, but rather in the whole county of which Dist. 50 is a subset. Ed was trying to make it seem like Brad was passing on bad information. The way Ed was talking, you would have thought that there were only about 5,000 ballots that remained to be counted after election night and with a 4,700 vote deficit, so there would be no chance of Busby making up that margin.

However, as of this evening, there have been over 29,000 votes added to the Dist. 50 run-off since they started counting the absentee and provisional ballots (over 55% of the abs. ballots in the entire county have been for Dist. 50). Unfortunately, Busby has fallen back a bit further and Bilbray now has a 4.7% lead. You have to take that with a grain of salt considering that the Diebold TSx machines were taken home by the poll workers days before the election. Because of this MAJOR security flaw, there MUST BE A MANUAL RECOUNT of all of the votes.