Book signing by Sacto author John F. Miglio
The Revolution Will Be Televised! Read the controversial new political thriller about a band of democratic revolutionaries and their attempt to overthrow the corporate fascist power structure in the United States.

Book: Sunshine Assassins
Author: John F. Miglio
Publisher: Capricorn Publishing
Date: Friday, June 23, 2006
Place: The Avid Reader; 1003 L St.
Time: 12 noon to 1:15 PM

Information: (916) 725-8258;

A masterfully convincing story about a fictional Corporate Christian America of the near future that rings so chillingly true for today. Well-written, engrossing, and wickedly entertaining.
-- Michael Parenti, award-winning author of The Culture Struggle and Superpatriotism

John F. Miglio’s Sunshine Assassins is a chilling tale of what could happen in the not-so-distant future if present-day Americans fail to safeguard our democracy.
-- Justin Frank, MD, author of Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President

John F. Miglio

The current political scene in America is about to split wide open with the publication of a controversial new thriller about a band of democratic rebels and their attempt to overthrow the Corporate fascist power structure in the United States.

The novel, Sunshine Assassins by John F. Miglio, is a cautionary tale that takes place in the near future when democracy is dead and America is ruled by the Sunshine Council, a shadow government comprised of ruthless multibillionaire CEOs aligned with right-wing Christian fundamentalists.

In this nightmare scenario, ten percent of the population owns ninety per cent of the country’s wealth, a new government agency called the Department of Morality Enforcement (DME) demands Corporate Christian conformity of all citizens, and mind-controlled assassins systematically eliminate dissidents and progressive thinkers.

As a result, an underground revolutionary movement in the tradition of Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers emerges and challenges the Sunshine Council. The leader of the underground, Frank Corso, a well-known progressive activist who is labeled a “terrorist” and marked for death by the council, engineers a high-risk plan to expose the truth about the shadow government to the American people on prime time television, hoping this will incite them to join the underground and revolt.

But will average citizens be able to break through years of Corporate Christian conditioning and mind control and be willing to risk their lives for freedom and democracy?

In spite of this weighty question and others posed throughout the book-- including one about the true nature of Christianity-- Sunshine Assassins is filled with action and adventure, and it is written with humor and irony in the tradition of Kurt Vonnegut. It also abounds with memorable characters, some of whom are based on real-life contemporary newsmakers. See if you can guess which ones!

In addition, Sunshine Assassins is a spiritual road map for freethinkers, with each chapter representing a different phase in an individual’s life until it comes full circle. The term itself is a metaphor for average Americans who allow themselves to become manipulated by the mass media and become unwitting “assassins” of democracy and pawns in the hands of fascism.

Look for this novel to create a Donnybrook between liberals and conservatives, Christians and humanists, and “patriots and tyrants.” But most of all, look for it to start a serious dialogue about the most precious commodity we have in America: democracy.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (Sacramento Resident)

John F. Miglio has been a journalist, political activist and university professor. He grew up in Philadelphia and has lived in New York City and Los Angeles. He has traveled throughout the United States, Europe, and Central America. In the 1980s, he did freelance reporting and photography on the civil war in Guatemala. Currently, he lives in Sacramento and is the editor of the Online Review of Books & Current Affairs (; his most recent articles have been featured on Buzzflash, the Democratic Underground, and U.S. Politics Online.


AUTHOR: John F. Miglio

PUBLISHER: Capricorn


PRICE: $15.99 Perfect Bound Soft Cover

PAGES: 240

ISBN: 0-9774757-2-7

For more information, or to set up an interview with Mr. Miglio, contact:

(916) 725-8258

Time: Friday, June 23, 2006 - 12:00pm PST
Length: 1:15