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Precinct walk for Pat Lenzi
Hello SFD Brothers and Sisters,

I'll be at the Longshoreman's Hall in West Sacramento Saturday and Sunday morning at 10 am -- PLEASE, PLEASE join me!!

We need to get Pat Lenzi elected so we don't have to read about Jeff Reisig and the gross misuse of gang injunctions and other civil rights violations levied at innocent residents of the Bryte and Broderick neighborhoods! In case you don't know where the Hall is, here's the address and map. Type in where you are coming from in the "Starting Location" to find out how to get to 600 4th St., West Sac, CA:
Time: Saturday, June 3, 2006 - 10:00am PST
GOTV for Phil Angelides - Walk Precincts and Phone Bank
The Phil Angelides for Governor Campaign is inviting Democrats to Join His GOTV Drive to the June 6 Election!

Saturday and Sunday June 3 & 4, 2006
Precinct Walk 10am - 5pm
Phone Bank 10am - 8pm
Time: Saturday, June 3, 2006 - 10:00am PST