Become a World Service Corps Citizen
On Wednesday June 14 at 6:30 PM, Executive Director Dwayne Hunn, Ph.D., will talk about the need for the citizen-initiated World Service Corps Congressional Proposals, to put one million volunteers at sites of great need, at home or abroad.
Sunday Jan 29 - For our next MIRACLE in the stop Alito movement
I received this from the 'Activists' email list -

Once again we achieved our overnight objective from the local district phone action. There are widespread reports of senators' phones ringing off the hook and fax machines running out of paper coast to coast. And YOU did it. We are witnessing the greatest outpouring of public opinion ever, being described as "astonishing," in support of the people's Alito filibuster. The hunger for policy change grows daily, and people want to know what more we can do. There is TONS more we can do, and these are our next moves:
Oppose Alito
We now know that George Bush personally ordered American intelligence services to spy on American citizens without the consent of any court and repeatedly directed officials to take actions that explicitly violated the law. Our courts are the last line of defense against abuses of power like this, and every judicial nominee must demonstrate that they will honor their most important responsibility: protecting our rights and freedoms.

Samuel Alito will not.

During the course of his judicial career, Samuel Alito has compiled a record of looking the other way when abuses of power threaten our basic freedoms. He has deferred to unscrupulous prosecutors who constructed all-white juries to try black defendants. He repeatedly failed to protect our right to privacy. He was even the lone judge voting to uphold the illegal strip-search of a 10-year old girl.

Next week Judge Alito's confirmation hearings will begin. Already over 750,000 people have signed a petition asking Senators to oppose Alito -- today I add my name. Please join me:
Come commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade! 33 years of choice!
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Commemorates Roe v. Wade 33 YEARS.
“Choice hangs in the balance, don’t roll back time.”

Date: Saturday January 21, 2006, 7pm to 8:30pm
Suggested Donation: $25

Women’s Resource Center / CSU, Sacramento - Library 1010
6000 J Street / Sacramento, CA 95819

Sign our Petition, make a contribution, and join us at our Roe Reception & Performance.

January 22, 2006 marks the 33rd anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. “Roe” has come to be known as the case that established the constitutional right of women to choose to have a safe and legal abortion. And yet, now nearly four decades later, choice hangs in the balance as the composition of the Supreme Court is dramatically altered. Just one vote decided Supreme Court cases in favor of protecting the rights of women to make their own decisions about their families and now that vote is threatened to be replaced by Samuel Alito, a judge with a history of anti-choice extremism. Add an unprecedented attack on family planning at the local, state, and international levels and the scales seem stacked against women to control their own bodies and families.
Time: Friday, January 21, 2005 - 6:00pm PST
Planned Parenthood Commemorates Roe: “Choice hangs in the balance, don’t roll back time.”
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Commemorates Roe v. Wade 33 YEARS.
“Choice hangs in the balance, don’t roll back time.”
Sign our Petition, make a contribution, and join us at our Roe Reception & Performance.

January 22, 2006 marks the 33rd anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. “Roe” has come to be known as the case that established the constitutional right of women to choose to have a safe and legal abortion. And yet, now nearly four decades later, choice hangs in the balance as the composition of the Supreme Court is dramatically altered. Just one vote decided Supreme Court cases in favor of protecting the rights of women to make their own decisions about their families and now that vote is threatened to be replaced by Samuel Alito, a judge with a history of anti-choice extremism. Add an unprecedented attack on family planning at the local, state, and international levels and the scales seem stacked against women to control their own bodies and families.
The Forgotten Clause: And Why Bush has to Listen to Cindy
Stand and Be Heard by William Rivers Pitt
Stand and Be Heard
By William Rivers Pitt
Progressive Democrats of America

Next week, Progressive Democrats of America, in partnership with United for Peace and Justice and Code Pink, will initiate a nationwide campaign to demand that Congress and George W. Bush immediately and without delay implement and execute a plan to withdraw all U.S. forces from Iraq. This campaign will involve calls, letters, faxes and direct lobbying of members of Congress. This National Call-In Week will begin on May 31st and continue through June 3rd.
What is The ONE Campaign?
What is The ONE Campaign?

ONE is a new effort by Americans to rally Americans – ONE by ONE – to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. The ONE Campaign is engaging Americans through a diverse coalition of faith-based and anti-poverty organizers to show the steps people can take, ONE by ONE, to fight global AIDS and poverty.
Ted Kennedy's Leadership Against the Nuclear Option: from Barbara Boxer
A poisonous right wing infection has gotten hold of the Senate Republicans. They've got a narrow Senate majority that's not enough to get their extremist judges on the courts. So they're scheming to change the fundamental Senate rules, silence Democrats, and get their judges approved. It's an assault on the Constitution and the whole system of checks and balances that makes our democracy work.
Environment California : Build Support for Solar this Earth Day
Dear Environment California supporter,

Last week, more than 4000 of you urged your senator to co-author the Million Solar Roofs bill, SB 1. This action will help us next week when this landmark solar power bill comes up for its first vote. Thanks to all who took action.
No More Broken Promises
Governor Schwarzenegger's broken promises are adding up and his popularity is shrinking.

He promised to balance the budget, to "clean up" Sacramento, and preserve our children's education. But he has broken each of these promises and hopes to cover up his shortcomings with more corporate money and another special election -- a special election without verifiable paper audit.
Update on Election Reform & ANWR Boycott - Barbara Boxer
This week, the Senate is back in session after the Easter recess. With Congress returning to debate some of these issues, I wanted to give you an update on two key online advocacy campaigns we have underway and ask for your help.
$82 billion more for Iraq: Demand an exit strategy
Congress has barely debated the war in Iraq or its aftermath since it voted to authorize the use of force in October 2002. Now, the Bush administration is skipping the normal budget process to ask for an additional $82 billion to fund the American presence in Iraq. Among the big-ticket items, a $600 million embassy and some 14 "enduring" bases.[1] Those bases, and the absence of an exit strategy, will worsen, not improve the situation in Iraq.

Clean Money is the name given to the effort to bring public
campaign financing to California. It is a voluntary option for
candidates who agree NOT to accept campaign contributions from
Protect ANWR! Sen. Boxer Petition
Every day on the Senate floor is more and more like "Barbara in Wonderland." Sometimes the Senate seems so foreign to me, I wonder if I'm living in some kind of bad dream. And just when I thought it couldn't get worse, it has.
Iraq: How Many More Years? Send an email to your Representatives
This alert contains two opportunities to begin pulling our country out of the deepening quagmire in Iraq.

1) The House of Representatives votes TOMORROW on whether to spend another $82 billion on the occupation. Vice Admiral Jack Shanahan (USN, ret.), who fought in three wars and commanded the North Atlantic Fleet, reminds us that the Vietnam War finally ended only when Congress refused to continue funding it. Tens of thousands of TrueMajorityACTION members have urged Congress to demand a clear Iraq exit strategy before handing over more money for the occupation. If you haven’t sent your message yet, the time is now.
Protect Free Speech in the Senate: Sign the Petition - Howard Dean
Sometimes partisan politics gets overheated -- I know that as well as anyone. But when one party controls all three branches of government, and then seeks to change the fundamental principles and rules of our democracy, we need to talk about it soberly and seriously.
Vote NO on Bush's $82 billion Supplemental Budget Request
Vote NO on Bush's $82 billion Supplemental Budget Request
to fund the occupations of Iraq & Afghanistan

The House of Representatives is preparing to vote on the Bush Administration's request for an additional $82 billion to fund the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, perhaps as early as Tuesday, March 15, 2005. Every day the U.S. spends over $200 million of working peoples' money to fund war and occupation in Iraq. 100,000 Iraqis have died. More than 1,500 U.S. soldiers have been killed and thousands more wounded. There should not be one more dime spent on Bush's criminal wars, occupations and torture programs.
Ask Senator Feinstein to save our courts
The fight to save our courts is about to really heat up. Bush just resubmitted 20 nominees to the U.S. Courts of Appeals that the Democrats fought four years to block. These 20 judges were rejected, while 204 were approved, because they have consistently sacrificed the rights of ordinary Americans to appease powerful special interests and extreme right-wing ideology. They must not be given lifetime appointments on the federal bench.
Tell Congress to repair our election system now - MoveOn
Several great bills have just been introduced in Congress to repair the embarrassing flaws in our election system -- from electronic voting machines to long lines to partisan election officials. Everyone's waiting to see if this new legislation will pick up speed or fall victim to partisan bickering. If we act right now, we can give these bills the early momentum they need.