Has Wal-Mart declared war on women?

Has Wal-Mart declared war on women?

  • 2 million female employees suing Wal-Mart for gender discrimination
  • Pregnant Wal-Mart worker fired in Connecticut
  • Massachusetts women suing Wal-Mart for being denied legal medicine

Now it looks like Wal-Mart's right-wing war room is at it again. And, this time, they are attacking a woman's right to make her own medical decisions.

Yesterday, three women in Massachusetts sued Wal-Mart and filed a complaint with the state because Wal-Mart refuses to sell legally-approved emergency contraceptive pills. In fact, Wal-Mart chooses not to sell this medication in every state except Illinois, where it is mandated by law.

Wal-Mart has a pattern of right-wing censorship, including banning certain lyrics and artists from selling DVDs and movies, but Wal-Mart's latest move to try and stop women from having legally available emergency contraceptive pills is an attack on our court system and women everywhere.

We need your help. Sign our petition and tell Wal-Mart's CEO Lee Scott to stop Wal-Mart's right-wing war on women and make these legally approved medications available to women.


This is not about whether or not you support abortion. Wal-Mart's policy, if left unchecked, means corporations (in this case the largest seller of goods in the U.S.) can inflict their own political agenda and values onto their customers.

Women deserve better. If women have the legal right to buy emergency contraceptive pills, then Wal-Mart should have to carry and dispense these pills. In many small towns, Wal-Mart is the only place where women can get these pills. In these cases, Wal-Mart's policy is effectively a ban on the sale of emergency contraceptive pills.

Wal-Mart's decision not to sell these pills is nothing short of a war on women and women's reproductive rights. It is an attempt to undermine a woman's ability to make a choice in consultation with her doctor. Which legal medicines any women may choose to take is a decision between herself and her doctor, not between herself, her doctor, and Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart's radical right policy must cease immediately, and Wal-Mart should make these pills available to their female customers.

Now is the time for action. Tell Wal-Mart's CEO Lee Scott to let women make their own choices.


In the coming months, we will be mobilizing our 176,125 supporters to expose Wal-Mart's real agenda, document Wal-Mart's record of exploiting its workers, and build the most powerful grassroots campaign to change a corporation in history.

Wal-Mart needs to change and, with your help, we are building the movement that will change Wal-Mart and build a better America.

Please forward our petition to all of your women friends using the form below.


Thank you for all that you do.

Paul Blank

P.S. Here is a link to the story on the three women suing Wal-Mart:

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WalMart Not Selling Day-After Abortion Pill
Ann Coulter said it best: abortion is the answer for promiscuous women who have unprotected sex with men with whom they don't want to have children, take the abortion pill the next morning adding to the millions of babies killed each year, and go ahead the next day and repeat it. Use condoms, the pill, the diaphragm, or abstain. No need for the pills. Oh, and if you really NEED them, go to CVS or Walgreens!! Duh!! WalMart is a private store, not the gubment, and not required to carry any product it doesn't want to carry.