Viewpoint: Just call them the American Taliban
by Robert Crook

As the Terri Schiavo debacle draws to a close – although the Republicans STILL might try to pull some dirty tricks from their sleeves, without being kept artificially alive, Terri Schiavo won’t be with us for much longer – it appears as though the American people have rejected the attempted immoral and illegal power grab by the Bush Republicans, hereinafter known as the American Taliban.
PROGRESSIVE talking points on the Schiavo case
We've seen the Republicans' talking points on the Terri Schiavo case.

(If you haven't seen the talking points, go to to view a copy of the actual talking-points memo that was distributed to Republican U.S. senators that says, among other things, "This [the Schiavo case] is a great political issue.")
Viewpoint: Bushes gone wild!
by Robert Crook

Recent events emphasize how desperately we need to remove the lawless Bush dynasty from power. Their latest flouting of the law, however, might be the rope with which the Bush outlaws hang themselves.
Will Republican grandstanding in the Schiavo case backfire?
ABC News is all over the Terri Schiavo case.

ABC News has posted on its Web site ( a Republican talking-points memo regarding the Schiavo case that ABC News obtained.

Here the memo is, copied and pasted from ABC News' Web site:
Viewpoint: Death by a thousand (budget and tax) cuts
by Robert Crook

It's interesting to watch the Republicans pretend to have such a concern for human life.

There's their whole anti-choice thing, of course. (Hey, we NEED babies to be BORN so that they can grow up to be maimed or killed for the overseas interests of Dick Cheney's Halliburton and other oily subsidiaries of BushCheneyCorp in the name of spreading "democracy" and "freedom"!)
Viewpoint: DINOsaurs face extinction
by Robert Crook

It seems to be open season on Democrats in name only (DINOs), thank God.

Calling someone a "Democrat in name only" isn't NICE, Democratic Party hacks (most of whom are DINOs themselves) will whine.
Viewpoint: Julie Padilla's victory
by Robert Crook

No, I haven't taken leave of my senses.

Progressive Democrat Julie Padilla won't be representing us in Washington, D.C., for the next two years, but what a victory [1] she had today, receiving the second-highest number of votes in the special election for the Sacramento-area seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Viewpoint: On writing letters to the editor
by Robert Crook

When events inspire me, I write a letter to the editor, and I almost always get published.

That's not a brag; it's just the truth.

On Friday, for instance, The Sacramento Bee published the letter I'd e-mailed them regarding the Bee's misguided March 1 endorsement of Doris Matsui [1] for the U.S. House of Representatives.
Viewpoint: Blood on the debate floor (Doris')
by Robert Crook

Today I attended both forums [1] with all 12 of the candidates for the Sacramento-area seat in the U.S. House of Representatives left vacant by the Jan. 1 death of Robert Matsui.
Viewpoint: George Lakoff is NOT Yoda
by Robert Crook

I cringed when I saw George Lakoff, Berkeley professor and fellow at the Rockridge Institute in Berkeley, quoted in a recent Sacramento Bee article* on the controversy over a Land Park couple's anti-Iraq war display at their home.