80,000 Angry Men. Is the US Surge collapsing?
80,000 Angry Men. Is the US Surge collapsing?

In an investigation carried out by GuardianFilms for Channel 4, we uncover how thousands of Iraqis employed at $10 a day by the US to take on al-Qaida are threatening to go on strike because they say they have been used by the 'Americans to do their dirty work' and haven't been paid.

Click picture to watch video.

Open letter to Sierra Nevada Corp. & Congress member Matsui
Dear Sierra Nevada Corp.,

According to The Seattle Times, Advanced Concept & Mission Systems in Rancho Cordova, CA received in 2007, $1,100,000 in an earmark sponsored by Congress member Doris Matsui. Advanced Concept & Mission Systems is one of your companies. The earmark was for the "US Army Network Centric Warfare-Digital Battlefield Instrumentation" although the military did not request it.

Sierra Nevada Corp. gave Matsui a contribution of $2,500 in 02/13/2007. Also the Sierra Nevada Corp. gave her husband, the late Congress member Robert Matsui $8,500 from 2003 to 2005.

Is there any reason to believe that the above information is incorrect or incomplete? For further information see Recipient Sierra Nevada Corp. (HQ) (Sparks, NV) and Earmark.
PSR scholarship essay contest
The Sacramento Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility announces its 2008 High School Scholarship Essay Contest, open to high school seniors in Sacramento and surrounding counties. More than $10,000 in total scholarship money will be awarded to the 10 finalists in the contest.

To enter the contest, students must submit an essay of 500 words or fewer describing their thoughts on the quotation from US Marine Corps Medal of Honor winner Major General Smedley Butler, “War is a racket…in which the profits are measured in dollars and the losses in lives.” The deadline for submission of entries is Wednesday, March 5, 2008.

For more details: go to www.sacpsr.org, email info@sacpsr.org, or call 916 955-6333. Essays may be submitted online via the PSR/Sacramento website.

Please forward this message to any high school seniors and school officials you know in Sacramento and surrounding counties. And remember, the deadline for essay submission is Wednesday, March 5.
Protest at Halliburton plant
Protest at Halliburton plant

December 9 (Sunday)
1:00 pm
1990 Hays Lane in Woodland

- From Sacramento take I-5 north and exit at County Rd. 102. At the light, go straight; you will be on Hays Lane. Halliburton is halfway up the street on the left.

War Profiteer Halliburton is in our back yard!
And is hiring people to send to Iraq!

More than 3880 US soldiers have died in the war and occupation of Iraq, while Halliburton gets richer by providing mercenary soldiers, ‘advisors,’ and other contract services.
Time: Sunday, December 9, 2007 - 12:00pm PST