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DFA Training Academy coming to Berkeley March 1 - 2
This is an excellent training program and if you are interested in helping out on any of the local campaigns (Bill Durston for Congress, Warren Harding for Board of Supervisors, Alyson Huber for Assembly, etc...) then I highly suggest that you attend this training. Even if you were able to attend the training in Sacramento last year, attending this one in Berkeley will sharpen your skills and most likely teach you something new. I go every year, and I always learn a new trick or two. There will be a few Durston campaign volunteers attending this training and Dr. Durston will attend the Saturday training as well. This training is perfect for those new to volunteering for campaigns as well as campaign veterans that want to learn the latest techniques to help get their candidate elected.

You can find out more details and RSVP HERE:

If you're looking to get the best hands-on training in the country for how to run an electoral campaign, join our friends from Burlington, Democracy for America, in Berkeley on March 1-2 (yes, the national organization is coming to our neighborhood, including DFA Chairman Jim Dean and Executive Director Arshad Hasan!).
Time: Saturday, March 1, 2008 - 8:00am PST
JRC Meeting w Chief Rick Brazil of the Sac PD
At our next JRC general meeting on March 1st, from 10am – Noon, at 909 12th St., in Sacramento, we will begin our “conversation with officials” series. Chief Rick Braziel, of the Sac PD will meet with us to discuss some issues with us. There are several issue which are on the agenda already, but there is room for more. So come with your questions.
Time: Saturday, March 1, 2008 - 9:00am PST