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The Fear Industrial Complex: Mainstream Media Refuses to Disclose that "Independent" Pundits are Actually Lobbyists

[I'm going to break my rule and give a ton of links. Sorry if it's too much info at once] This video clip is from the BBC documentary The Century of the Self, and it explains how the media allows itself to be manipulated and used to further the ends of those in power. They did it 50 years ago. They did it to sell the war in Iraq. And they're doing it today. The lobbyists are people they tell us are people we have to trust. For instance, former DHS Sec. Michael Chertoff who's going to get his very own post in this series or former DNI Mike McConnell, who happens to have made a bundle out of security contracts at Booz Allen

    Ten years after leaving the government, McConnell was finally making real money -- two million dollars a year at Booz-Allen.

End the Afghan War

End the Afghan War

On Thursday, March 4, Rep. Dennis Kucinich plans to introduce his privileged resolution to end the Afghan War. The resolution requires that the House debate the continuing war in Afghanistan, now the second longest war in American history. Let’s make our voices for peace heard!

Last night, March 2, Rep. Kucinich recorded a special message for PDA members. Click here to listen to the Message from Dennis Kucinich. (Select the second recording.)

Please contact your member of Congress

and ask them to be an original co-sponsor of the Kucinich resolution.


Wellstone Progressive Dems CDP Platform Meeting

Building a Progressive California Democratic Party Platform

The Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento (PDA) held a meeting on Saturday, Jan. 9th to discuss improvements to the CA Democratic Party (CDP) Platform. All area Progressive Democrats were invited by Wellstone President Tamie Dramer and Political Affairs Chair Chris Niehaus to help shape the Party's Platform. CDP Platform Committee member Christine Thomas started off with a brief overview of the committee. CDP Progressive Caucus Chair (and PDA NorCal co-coordinator) Karen Bernal spoke about the need for Progressives in California to change the Party and how we can use our numbers to improve our platform. The room overflowed with attendees that took on issues such as Health Care, the Environment, Energy, Labor, Economic Justice, Poverty Elimination, Education & Criminal Justice.

Rethink Afghanistan at Luna's Cafe

Fri, 01/29/2010 - 7:30pm
Attend a free screening of Rethink Afghanistan at Luna's Cafe on Friday night, January 29, 2010

Doors open at 7:30pm and the film begins at 8:00pm
Delicious and inexpensive food and drink will be available before and during the film.

Luna's Cafe and Juice Bar is located at 1414 16th Street in midtown Sacramento.

Hosted by the new Sacramento Peace & Justice Film Group
Tickets are FREE. RSVP requested.

For more details and to RSVP, please visit:
Email for more information.

2009—The PDA Year in Review

2009—The PDA Year in Review


This year was only weeks old when PDA members came together in Washington for a grassroots leadership meeting. The eyes of the world were focused on Washington in anticipation of the inauguration of Barack Obama, taking place just days later. Besides the coming celebration, PDA members were focused on how to make this organization even more effective in 2009.

With hopes for the new presidency still high, PDA hit the ground running under the Healthcare NOT Warfare banner. Armed with printed flyers and the Healthcare-mobile, PDA members and our allies fanned out across District and distributed 250 thousand pieces of material.

New Resolution in House to End Wars

Kucinich Circulating Privileged Resolutions to End Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Washington D.C. (December 9, 2009) – Following a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement:

“Today, I will begin circulating two privileged resolutions which will trigger debate and votes on a timely withdrawal of U.S troops from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States makes it Congress’ responsibility to determine whether or not we go to war or stay at war. Consistent with Article 1, Section 8, the privileged resolutions will invoke the War Powers Resolution of 1973. I ask for your support of these resolutions, which will be introduced in the House in January.

What Empires Have Said Throughout History: "One More Surge"

This is such a good blog, I posted the entire thing. But please click on the header to read the original. What we are being sold about Afghanistan is a reprise of The Simla Manifesto

Remnants of an Army by Elizabeth Butler depicting William Brydon who was the sole British survivor after Britain's catastrophic retreat from Kabul.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Empires Have Said Throughout History: "One More Surge"



A leading advisor to the U.S. military, the Rand Corporation, released a study in 2008 called "How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering al Qa'ida". The report confirms what experts have been saying for years: the war on terror is actually weakening national security.

As a press release about the study states:

"Terrorists should be perceived and described as criminals, not holy warriors, and our analysis suggests that there is no battlefield solution to terrorism."

Obama's War

Obama's War
by Jim Hightower - Creators Syndicate
Published on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 by Creators Syndicate

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to war we go! Pound the drums loudly, stand with your country proudly!

Wait, wait, wait — hold it right there. Cut the music, slow the rush, and let's all ponder what Barack Obama, Roberts Gates, Stanley McChrystal and Co. are getting us into ... and whether we really want to go there. After all, just because the White House and the Pentagon brass are waving the flag and insisting that a major escalation of America's military mission in Afghanistan is a "necessity" doesn't mean it is ... or that We the People must accept it.

Remember the wisdom of Mark Twain about war-whooping generals and politicians: "Loyalty to the country, always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it."

How many more dead and mangled American soldiers does the government's "new" Afghan policy deserve? How many more tens of billions of dollars should we let them siphon from our public treasury to fuel their war policy? How much more of our country's good name will they squander on what is essentially a civil war?

Feingold Leads Bipartisan Group of Legislators in Opposing Afghanistan Escalation

In advance of President Obamas scheduled remarks on Tuesday, December 1, 2009, outlining his Afghanistan strategy, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold and a bipartisan group of legislators discussed how an increase of U.S. troops in Afghanistan is the wrong move in our fight against al Qaeda. Senator Feingold was joined by U.S. Representatives Jim McGovern (D-MA), Walter Jones (R-NC) and Barbara Lee (D-CA).

The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't)

"This Administration Ended, Rather Than Extended, Two Wars"

Posted by Tom Engelhardt at 11:31am, November 19, 2009.

The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't)

By Tom Engelhardt

Sure, the quote in the over-title is only my fantasy. No one in Washington -- no less President Obama -- ever said, "This administration ended, rather than extended, two wars," and right now, it looks as if no one in an official capacity is likely to do so any time soon. It's common knowledge that a president -- but above all a Democratic president -- who tried to de-escalate a war like the one now expanding in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan, and withdraw American troops, would be so much domestic political dead meat.

This everyday bit of engrained Washington wisdom is, in fact, based on not a shred of evidence in the historical record. We do, however, know something about what could happen to a president who escalated a counterinsurgency war: Lyndon Johnson comes to mind for expanding his inherited war in Vietnam out of fear that he would be labeled the president who "lost" that country to the communists (as Harry Truman had supposedly "lost" China). And then there was Vice President Hubert Humphrey who -- incapable of rejecting Johnson's war policy -- lost the 1968 election to Richard Nixon, a candidate pushing a fraudulent "peace with honor" formula for downsizing the war.

A Tragic Mistake

December 1, 2009 - Op-Ed Columnist
A Tragic Mistake

“I hate war,” said Dwight Eisenhower, “as only a soldier who has lived it can, as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.”

He also said, “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.”

I suppose we’ll never learn. President Obama will go on TV Tuesday night to announce that he plans to send tens of thousands of additional American troops to Afghanistan to fight in a war that has lasted most of the decade and has long since failed.

The Hollow Politics of Escalation

Published on Monday, November 30, 2009 by
The Hollow Politics of Escalation
by Norman Solomon

An underlying conceit of the new spin about benchmarks and timetables for Afghanistan is the notion that pivotal events there can be choreographed from Washington. So, a day ahead of the president's Tuesday night speech, the New York Times quotes an unnamed top administration official saying: "He wants to give a clear sense of both the time frame for action and how the war will eventually wind down."

But "eventually" is a long way off. In the meantime, the result of Washington's hollow politics is more carnage.

The next days and weeks will bring an avalanche of hype about insisting on measurable progress and shifting burdens onto the Afghan army -- while the U.S. military expands the war. In the groove, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Jack Reed, told CNN viewers on Sunday: "The key element here is not just more troops. The key element is shifting the operations to the Afghanis [sic]. And if that can be done, then I would support the president."

Hopeless Escalation? Show Your Outrage!

Tue, 12/01/2009 - 4:45pm
Wed, 12/02/2009 - 4:45pm
Immediate Response to Afghanistan Troop Surge!

As expected, President Obama will announce an increase in troops to Afghanistan. More troops just means more deaths, more bombed civilians, more maimed soldiers, more profits for war industries, more impoverished domestic programs, etc...

It's time to hit the streets again!

Join us Tomorrow, Tues., Dec. 1st and Wed., Dec. 2nd
from 4:45 - 6:00 pm at
Heritage and Arden (entrance to Arden Fair Mall)

Our response is: