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Town & Country Meeting : Issues in Education

Wed, 03/10/2010 - 7:00pm
Town & Country March Meeting

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
7-9 pm
Deterding Park Community Room

Issues in Education

We are fortunate to have two knowledgeable education experts to talk with us about issues in Education. Confused about Race to the Top? Want more ideas about how to improve education or have some of your own? Join Larry Miles, San Juan School Board, and Jerry Houseman, Sacramento City Unified School Board for a spirited and educational discussion,

Everyone is Welcome!

Science Friday: Snowboarders Unite! UC Davis student seeks to make 'Hella Big' an official scientific prefix

Hella News Roundup

March 3rd, 2010 @ 1:53 pm by andy

March 4 Day of Action and Strike in Defense of Public Education

Thu, 03/04/2010 - 11:00am
Day of Action

Sacramento/State Capitol Rally
1303 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
(California State Capitol Building - North Steps)

11 AM - 1 PM

March 4th is right around the corner and the local, national and international anticipation for this historic day is growing by the minute. Students, teachers, staff, parents and workers from all over California, the nation and the world have been organizing and building for the Strike and Day of Action. Below is a tentative list of events that will be happening on March 4th in California.

Five UC students protesting budget cuts are arrested at Capitol

Students Protest at Capitol - Andy Alfaro /

Five UC students protesting budget cuts are arrested at Capitol
By Laurel Rosenhall -
Published: Monday, Mar. 1, 2010 - 11:43 am
Last Modified: Monday, Mar. 1, 2010 - 4:58 pm

Five University of California students have been arrested in the state Capitol for disrupting state business and demonstrating without a permit, according to the California Highway Patrol.

They're among about 100 who had gathered outside the office of Assemblyman Jim Nielsen, R-Yuba City, to protest state budget cuts in higher education. CHP Sgt. Steve Stone said officers asked the large crowd to disperse, and most students did.

Science Friday: Newly Found Stone Tools of the - ANCIENT- Ancient Mariners

I pass, like night, from land to land;
I have strange power of speech;
That moment that his face I see,
I know the man that must hear me:
To him my tale I teach

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge

On Crete, New Evidence of Very Ancient Mariners

Published: February 15, 2010

    Early humans, possibly even prehuman ancestors, appear to have been going to sea much longer than anyone had ever suspected.

Science Friday: Flying Dino's Funky Plumage Revealed

No, it's not Rex, the Coelurosauravus in the youtube above, it's an Anchiornis huxleyi as you'll read about below

Fossil Feather Colors Really ARE Written In Stone

Science Friday: I'll take bioluminescence for $500 Alex

Help! My Water is Glowing!

January 28th, 2010 by Bunny

    I’ve never seen the ocean glow, but Katie Spotz did this week. She has been rowing in the Atlantic Ocean for 3 weeks now, getting closer to South America each day. A recent tweet from her:

    “Can anyone explain what these glowing specks in the water are? Every night I see them and have no clue what they are”


    Bioluminescence in the water has puzzled people for thousands of years, starting with Aniximenes in 500 B.C. Many have guessed over the years.

    The glow is likely from bioluminescent dinoflagellates—that is, marine plankton that light up. The plankton light up when they sense a predator. The purpose is to attract a bigger predator that will eat the plankton’s predator!

Howard Zinn, historian who challenged status quo, dies at 87

Howard ZinnHoward Zinn, historian who challenged status quo, dies at 87
January 27, 2010 05:40 PM - By Mark Feeney, Globe Staff

Howard Zinn, the Boston University historian and political activist who was an early opponent of US involvement in Vietnam and a leading faculty critic of BU president John Silber, died of a heart attack today in Santa Monica, Calif, where he was traveling, his family said. He was 87.

"His writings have changed the consciousness of a generation, and helped open new paths to understanding and its crucial meaning for our lives," Noam Chomsky, the left-wing activist and MIT professor, once wrote of Dr. Zinn. "When action has been called for, one could always be confident that he would be on the front lines, an example and trustworthy guide."

Science Friday: On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton

The entropy force: a new direction for gravity

    WHAT exactly is gravity? Everybody experiences it, but pinning down why the universe has gravity in the first place has proved difficult.

    Although gravity has been successfully described with laws devised by Isaac Newton and later Albert Einstein, we still don't know how the fundamental properties of the universe combine to create the phenomenon.

    Now one theoretical physicist is proposing a radical new way to look at gravity. Erik Verlinde of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, a prominent and internationally respected string theorist, argues that gravitational attraction could be the result of the way information about material objects is organised in space.

Sac State Students Tape Mouths In Protest of Fee Increases

Sac State Students Tape Mouths In Protest

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Students protested Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez Thursday during his spring address at the university.

    The protesters, who were seen wearing tape over their mouths, staged a silent and peaceful protest.

    Students carried signs that protested fee increases, and another that had a message that students have no confidence in Gonzalez' leadership.

Science Friday: Easy Hacks you can do, that will DOUBLE your gas mileage ... TODAY; build a $14 Video Camera Steadicam; and more

More at kipkay's Channel and MAKE Magazine's Channel


Yes! You can stick it to the MAN! Double your gas mileage

Wellstone Progressive Dems CDP Platform Meeting

Building a Progressive California Democratic Party Platform

The Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento (PDA) held a meeting on Saturday, Jan. 9th to discuss improvements to the CA Democratic Party (CDP) Platform. All area Progressive Democrats were invited by Wellstone President Tamie Dramer and Political Affairs Chair Chris Niehaus to help shape the Party's Platform. CDP Platform Committee member Christine Thomas started off with a brief overview of the committee. CDP Progressive Caucus Chair (and PDA NorCal co-coordinator) Karen Bernal spoke about the need for Progressives in California to change the Party and how we can use our numbers to improve our platform. The room overflowed with attendees that took on issues such as Health Care, the Environment, Energy, Labor, Economic Justice, Poverty Elimination, Education & Criminal Justice.