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2009—The PDA Year in Review

2009—The PDA Year in Review


This year was only weeks old when PDA members came together in Washington for a grassroots leadership meeting. The eyes of the world were focused on Washington in anticipation of the inauguration of Barack Obama, taking place just days later. Besides the coming celebration, PDA members were focused on how to make this organization even more effective in 2009.

With hopes for the new presidency still high, PDA hit the ground running under the Healthcare NOT Warfare banner. Armed with printed flyers and the Healthcare-mobile, PDA members and our allies fanned out across District and distributed 250 thousand pieces of material.

Two Very Different Peace Prizes; Two Very Different Acceptance Speeches

Recently John invited me to join your group, so this is my first diary. Since I live in a different state, my entries will have national or worldwide issues as subjects.

When Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize, like many others I was stunned and mystified. When he delivered his acceptance speech trying to justify escalation and expansion of war, I was not only stunned but ashamed.

In contrast there was awarded an earlier, real prize earned over a long lifetime by a noted journalist who has devoted his entire career to peace with justice: John Pilger was awarded the City of Sydney, Australia Peace Prize. John's acceptance speech is in keeping with his reputation and shows the honesty of the committee in awarding him their prize.

Here is the link to the only video I have found on the net. Don't be thrown off by the title which may have been used to get it broadcast in America.

Peace Vigil at 2nd Saturday Art Walk

Sat, 02/13/2010 - 5:30pm - 7:00pm

Vigil at 2nd Saturday Art Walk

Saturday, Feb 13, 5:30 - 7 pm
20th and J Streets, on the corner.

Theme: Demand Peace Now in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine! Use our signs or bring your own.

Peace Vigil at 2nd Saturday Art Walk

Sat, 01/09/2010 - 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Vigil at 2nd Saturday Art Walk

Saturday, January 9, 5:30 - 7 pm
20th and J Streets, on the corner.

Theme: Demand Peace Now in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine! Use our signs or bring your own.

Hopeless Escalation? Show Your Outrage!

Repeats every day until Thu Dec 03 2009 .
Tue, 12/01/2009 - 4:45pm - 6:00pm
Wed, 12/02/2009 - 4:45pm - 6:00pm
Immediate Response to Afghanistan Troop Surge!

As expected, President Obama will announce an increase in troops to Afghanistan. More troops just means more deaths, more bombed civilians, more maimed soldiers, more profits for war industries, more impoverished domestic programs, etc...

It's time to hit the streets again!

Join us Tomorrow, Tues., Dec. 1st and Wed., Dec. 2nd
from 4:45 - 6:00 pm at
Heritage and Arden (entrance to Arden Fair Mall)

Our response is:

For Obama it's one (term) if by war, two if by peace

For Obama it's one (term) if by war, two if by peace
Harvey Wasserman - November 16, 2009

As the world awaits Barack Obama's decision on Afghanistan, a lethal myth has spread. It says that standing up to the military will doom him to be a single-term president.

The "one if by peace" myth comes most recently from Garry Wills in the New York Review of Books. Wills mourns that Obama would commit political suicide by pulling out of both Iraq and Afghanistan because "the charges from various quarters would be toxic---that he was weak, unpatriotic, sacrificing the sacrifices that have been made, betraying our dead, throwing away all former investments in lives and treasure."

Against all that, says Wills, "he could have little defense in the quarters where such charges would originate."

Coming from an astute observer like Wills, this is a stunning analysis---and dead wrong.

In fact, the only way Obama can begin to think about getting re-elected is to leave the Afghan quagmire and do the same from Iraq.

World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Wed, 12/02/2009 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
12:00 - 1:30 pm
West Steps, Capitol Building, Sacramento

Bring friends and family - Celebrate the Real Possibility of Peace for our children and all children to come... Ceremony for Peace – Speakers - Street Theater, Poetry, Music - March around the Capitol Building Calling for Peace, Nuclear Disarmament, and an End to War and Violence. Everyone Welcome!

This event celebrates the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, which began in New Zealand on October 2, 2009, the anniversary of Gandhi’s birth, declared the “International Day of Nonviolence” by the United Nations. It concludes in the Andes Mountains on January 2, 2010. The March lasts 90 days, three months of travel and will pass through over 100 countries. The March will be in Northern California on December 2. There will be simultaneous celebrations in San Francisco, Los Angels, San Diego and Red bluff. Come celebrate with us in Sacramento!

27th Annual Candlelight Vigil for Peace & Justice

Tue, 12/08/2009 - 4:00pm
Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2009, 4-6pm

27th Annual
Candlelight Vigil for Peace & Justice

16th & J Streets, Sacramento

Please join us in observance of International Human Rights Day (officially Dec. 10).

➢ Rain or Shine! Bring signs and flashlights or windproof candles.
➢ Gather afterwards at Luna’s Café, 1414 16th St.

Sacramento Area Peace Action:
Phone 916-448-7157,,

Iraq Vets talk about Peace and National Bicycle Tour - (and also a Potluck)

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Please join other local peace activists this Thursday, November 5, in meeting and hearing from two Iraq war veterans who are bicycling across the country to speak out against the war.

A description of the event is in the writeup below. The talk will be at 7pm, with a potluck at 6pm, in the big conference room at Peace Action. These guys are bicycling in from Woodland on Thursday afternoon and will be tired and hungry. Let's show them Sacramento hospitality and provide some good food in a friendly setting before they speak. If you can make it to the potluck, please bring food or beverage to share and be there by 6pm.

Check out their web site. They are truly on a remarkable journey and have a compelling story.

Brought to you by Veterans for Peace, Sacramento Chapter. Please call me if you have questions. 916-698-8131
Peace, Debra Reiger
Talk by two Iraq vets biking across the country for peace. Thursday, Nov 5, (6pm Potluck) 7pm - 909 12th Street, Sac. When two Iraq Vets found out that love conquers fear and hate, they began to spread it by journeying across the country. Iraq War Vets Josh Stieber and Conor Curran are biking across the country on a personal mission to spread love and compassion. Come and hear them this Thursday at Peace Action. And check their web site to find out more about their remarkable journey!

Israel-Palestine Conflict Member Forum Oct 17

Israel-Palestine Conflict Member Forum Oct 17

Peace in the Precincts presents a panel and discussion about the Israel-Palestine conflict, the vice grip of violence and politics, and how our Peace Principles and advocacy can release us to a path to peace for all.

Saturday October 17
10 am to noon
Arden Dimick Library Community Room
891 Watt Ave (just north of Fair Oaks Blvd on Watt) Refreshments

This panel and discussion will explore the reasons for this conflict, why it has lasted so long, describe its human rights impacts on Americans, Jewish Israelis, and Palestinians, and provide discussion about why we should be concerned and what we can do. Come bring your questions if you have found this issue confusing and you'd like to be more informed, or if you are ready to find out how we can advocate for release and peace for us all.

Melinda Rivasplata, Peace in the Precincts (the vice grip, Peace Principles, advocacy) Patricia Daugherty, Peace Action (impacts; lived for 8 months in West Bank and Gaza in 2008-2009) Yassar Dahbour (Refugees, right of return) David Mandel, Jewish Voice for Peace (human rights)

"Palestine, Israel, and the US Empire"

Don't miss this great event! Richard Becker speaks compellingly on a subject he knows well, and with analysis not seen in mainstream media.

Richard Becker speaks as part of a national tour with his new book, Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire.
Monday, Oct 12, 7 - 9pm ,
909 12th St, Sac. FMI 916-448-7157.

Sacramento Area Peace Action
909 12th St #118

Vigil at 2nd Saturday Art Walk

Vigil at 2nd Saturday Art Walk. 20th and J Streets, on the corner.

Saturday, Oct 10, 6:30 - 8pm,

Theme: Demand Peace Now in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine!
Use our signs or bring your own.

Cindy Sheehan arrested at White House anti-war protest

Cindy Sheehan arrested at White House anti-war protest

WASHINGTON (CNN) — As the war in Afghanistan nears the start of its ninth year, a group of anti-war protesters gathered in front of the White House today to express their disappointment that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are not yet over, and to request a meeting with President Obama.

An estimated 500 people from different anti-war groups gathered on the sidewalk in front of the White House. A few chained themselves to the fence, some laid down on the sidewalk as if they were dead, and others chanted: "mourn the dead, heal the wounded, end the war!"

The protest was peaceful, though U.S. Park Police said that 61 people were arrested for failure to obey a lawful order after the crowd was repeatedly asked to move back from the sidewalk. According to Park Police Sgt. David Schlosser, all were cited and released.

Ground The Drones CODEPINK Event Monday Night!

Ground The Drones CODEPINK Event Monday Night!
Posted by: "Heather E Woodford"

Janet Weil of CODEPINK will give a report back, complete with photos, on her actions in July with other activists at Creech Air Force Base near Las Vegas, NV plus updates from the late September trip. The group went to Creech to draw attention to and protest the use of unmanned drones, used to kill civilians in Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. This is a solidarity action with the October 5 action in DC protesting the war in Afghanistan.

Please join us! Monday, October 5th 2009 7 PM at Sacramento Area Peace Action - 909 12th Street (9th & I Streets). Call Heather with questions at 402-2752.

Draft Beer, Not Kids

Draft Beer, Not Kids - Saturday, October 17 - See You There!

Sacramento-Yolo CODEPINK: Women for Peace invites you to Draft Beer, Not Kids - a free all-ages show on October 17 at 8pm at Luna’s Café. The aim of the event is to give kids (high school & college-aged youth) alternatives to military service, as well as giving them a taste of what the military is REALLY like - as opposed to the Army's commercials.

DJ Galaxy ( will be performing, and speakers from the We Are Not Your Soldiers ( project, as well as others will be there. The main thrust of the event is to get high school students to opt-out of being contacted by military recruiters, a requirement of the No Child Left Behind Act. Also on hand will be plenty of resources for alternatives to military service.

(And even though the theme mentions beer, there will be NO underage drinking!) Luna’s Café is located at 1414 16th St, Sacramento, CA 95814-5004.