Blogs / dswanson's blog / ACORN Versus Serious Criminals: Defund Lockheed
ACORN Versus Serious Criminals: Defund Lockheed
By David Swanson
First let's put the crusade to defund ACORN in context:
Among recipients of government money already convicted of serious misconduct, ACORN (had it been so convicted) wouldn't make it onto the list of the top 100. In fact, ACORN could receive 100 times the funding it does and still not make it onto the list.
And you'll notice something else about the top 10 criminal companies receiving government contracts: they're all recipients of military contracts. They've sold weapons to national enemies, leaked radiation, poisoned the environment, defrauded the government, bribed officials, recklessly endangered soldiers, and dozens of other offenses. But they've also all been part of our largest illegal enterprise: wars of aggression, during which various contractors have engaged in rendition, torture, murder, assassination, prostitution, the production and use of illegal weapons, and a variety of other serious crimes.