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Middle East Conflict


Is Yemen a Pawn on the Grand Chessboard?

There's a lot more to this than meets the eye

There were a lot of warnings that were overlooked and a lot of strange things had to line up in order for the attempted bombing to take place and left a lot of questions begging to be answered ... for instance these ten. Then there was the unrelated (?) strange story that Police ‘forgot’ to take explosives off a flight to Dublin

More to come ...

The Yemen Hidden Agenda: Behind the Al-Qaeda Scenarios, A Strategic Oil Transit Chokepoint

By F. William Engdahl~Global Research

    On December 25 US authorities arrested a Nigerian named Abdulmutallab aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on charges of having tried to blow up the plane with smuggled explosives. Since then reports have been broadcast from CNN, the New York Times and other sources that he was “suspected” of having been trained in Yemen for his terror mission. What the world has been subjected to since is the emergence of a new target for the US ‘War on Terror,’ namely a desolate state on the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen. A closer look at the background suggests the Pentagon and US intelligence have a hidden agenda in Yemen.

Robert Fisk: Lies, Misreporting, and Crises in the Middle East.

Tue, 02/23/2010 - 7:00pm
Robert Fisk: Lies, Misreporting, and Crises in the Middle East.

Tuesday, Feb 23,
Location & Time TBA.


Book Discussion: The One-State Solution

Tue, 02/16/2010 - 6:30pm
Book Discussion: Professor Virginia Tilley’s book: The One-State Solution: A Breakthrough for Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Deadlock.

Tuesday, Feb 16, 6:30pm

909 12th St, Sac.

FMI: 916-448-7157

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney speaks about Gaza

Sun, 01/10/2010 - 6:00pm

One year later: Besieged Gaza still standing tall. American Muslims for Palestine is hosting three speakers Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Dr. Hatem Bazian, and another TBD. Dinner included.

Sunday, Jan 10, 6pm
Suggested donation $5.

SALAM Center, 4541 College Oak Dr, Sac.

Dave Lippman concert in Davis

Sat, 01/09/2010 - 7:30pm
To boycott or not to boycott, that is the question. Satirical songster Dave Lippman brings his wit, humor and experience to bear on the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign to end human rights violations against Palestinians and ensure adherence to international law.

Saturday, Jan 9, 7:30pm

Donation: $10/ $6 students. "I" House, 10 College Park, Davis.

Join the December 27 Protest of Gaza Siege: Arden & Heritage

Sun, 12/27/2009 - 1:00pm
Protest to demand an end to U.S. support for Israel's ongoing siege against the people of Gaza.

One year ago today, Israel began its 3-week attack on Gaza, for which it has been charged with war crimes. Over 1400 people were killed, a third of them children; over 5000 were wounded.

Sunday, December 27, 2009, 1 - 3pm

Arden & Heritage, Sacramento.

Protest AIPAC at Sac Area annual luncheon

Sun, 12/13/2009 - 10:30am

Protest AIPAC's support for Israeli human rights violations and war crimes at pro-Israel lobby Sac Area annual luncheon.

Sunday, Dec 13, 2009

Vigil will be held rain or shine.

Please arrive by 10:30am.
Radisson Hotel,
500 Leisure Ln, Sacramento.

Contact your local electeds now, tell them not to attend.

Kucinich Addresses UN Goldstone Gaza Resolution

Kucinich Addresses UN Goldstone Gaza Resolution

November 3, 2009, Congressman Dennis Kucinich addresses H.RES. 867 on the House Floor. H.RES. 867 condemns the UN Goldstone Gaza Fact Finding Mission Report.

Congressman Kucinich stated:

"Today we journey from Operation Cast Lead to Operation Cast Doubt. Almost as serious as committing war crimes is covering up war crimes, pretending that war crimes were never committed and did not exist."

"Because behind every such deception is the nullification of humanity, the destruction of human dignity, the annihilation of the human spirit, the triumph of Orwellian thinking, the eternal prison of the dark heart of the totalitarian."

Stop Congress from opposing the Goldstone Report

From: Maggie Coulter

The message below contains contact information for Sacramento area Congress members; if you don't live in Sacramento, you can reach your representatives and senators by calling the Congressional Switchboard, 202-224-3121 or emailing them through: or

PLEASE TAKE ACTION: Stop Congress from opposing the Goldstone Report  

  Last Friday, Oct. 23, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida)  introduced H.Res.867, calling on the Obama Administration to "oppose unequivocally any endorsement or further consideration" of the Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, known as the Goldstone Report.  As of this writing local Congress members (Matsui, Thompson, Lungren and McClintock) have not signed on.

Please CALL now and ask your representative to: 1) NOT sponsor this legislation and 2) issue a statement opposing it.
  Also ask them to investigate the detention of human rights activist Mohammed Othman who was taken by Israeli officials on September 22 and to demand his release (see below).     

Israel-Palestine Conflict Member Forum Oct 17

Israel-Palestine Conflict Member Forum Oct 17

Peace in the Precincts presents a panel and discussion about the Israel-Palestine conflict, the vice grip of violence and politics, and how our Peace Principles and advocacy can release us to a path to peace for all.

Saturday October 17
10 am to noon
Arden Dimick Library Community Room
891 Watt Ave (just north of Fair Oaks Blvd on Watt) Refreshments

This panel and discussion will explore the reasons for this conflict, why it has lasted so long, describe its human rights impacts on Americans, Jewish Israelis, and Palestinians, and provide discussion about why we should be concerned and what we can do. Come bring your questions if you have found this issue confusing and you'd like to be more informed, or if you are ready to find out how we can advocate for release and peace for us all.

Melinda Rivasplata, Peace in the Precincts (the vice grip, Peace Principles, advocacy) Patricia Daugherty, Peace Action (impacts; lived for 8 months in West Bank and Gaza in 2008-2009) Yassar Dahbour (Refugees, right of return) David Mandel, Jewish Voice for Peace (human rights)

"Palestine, Israel, and the US Empire"

Don't miss this great event! Richard Becker speaks compellingly on a subject he knows well, and with analysis not seen in mainstream media.

Richard Becker speaks as part of a national tour with his new book, Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire.
Monday, Oct 12, 7 - 9pm ,
909 12th St, Sac. FMI 916-448-7157.

Sacramento Area Peace Action
909 12th St #118

US harshly rebukes Israel on settlement plans

US harshly rebukes Israel on settlement plans
By MATTHEW LEE (AP) – 48 minutes ago

WASHINGTON — Alarmed by Israeli plans to build new housing units in settlements and dimming prospects for American peace efforts, the Obama administration on Friday put out a rare and harsh public rebuke of its main Mideast ally.

The White House said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's settlement plans were "inconsistent" with commitments the Jewish state has made previously and harmful to U.S. attempts to lay the groundwork for a resumption in peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

"United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued settlement expansion and we urge that it stop," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said in a statement. "We are working to create a climate in which negotiations can take place, and such actions make it harder to create such a climate."