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Virginia license plate with coded racist message recalled

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Interesting that whoever drove this, is also parked in a handicapped spot without a handicapped license plate. ... To be fair, maybe they have one of those things you stick on your review mirror, but it's kind of hard to see through the confederate flags in the back window

WaPo via boingboing

    [T]he DMV agreed that the plate contains a coded message: The number 88 stands for the eighth letter of the alphabet, H, doubled to signify "Heil Hitler," said CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper. "CV" stands for "Confederate veteran" -- the plate was a special model embossed with a Confederate flag, which Virginia makes available for a $10 fee to card-carrying members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. And 14 is code for imprisoned white supremacist David Lane's 14-word motto: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

SNL: "could we all agree that there’s nothing more Nazi than saying 'Show me your papers?'"

[story begins 32 seconds into the video]

    Seth Myers: This week, Arizona signed the toughest illegal immigration law in the country which will allow police to demand identification papers from anyone they suspect is in the country illegally. I know there’s some people in Arizona worried that Obama is acting like Hitler, but could we all agree that there’s nothing more Nazi than saying "Show me your papers?"

Ca. Court Rules in Favor of Racist Slumlord Donald Sterling?!?

California Court Okays Discrimination Against Section 8 Tenants

by Dean Preston of Tenants Together‚ Apr. 13‚ 2010

    Remember Donald Sterling, the NBA team owner and Los Angeles mega-landlord who has been sued multiple times for outrageous housing discrimination, most recently by the U.S. Department of Justice? Sterling is back in the news this week, again for discrimination in his role as landlord. This time, however, Sterling convinced a California Court of Appeal that it was just fine for him to discriminate against a Section 8 tenant. At this point, anyone who still believes in the myth that judges are “liberal activists” needs to have his or her head examined.

Karuk Tribe Formally Approves Klamath Restoration Agreements

The Karuk Tribal Council on January 28 voted unanimously to sign the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement.

Karuk Tribe


For Immediate Release: January 28, 2010

For more information: Craig Tucker, Klamath Coordinator, Karuk Tribe, cell 916-207-8294

The Obama Presidency: Is More Than Race at Issue?

The Obama Presidency: Is More Than Race at Issue?
Presented by Eugene Robinson, the Washington Post 2009 Pulitzer Price Winning Columnist

Monday, September 28th, 2009
7:15pm Speaker Presentation
Sacramento State Alumni Center
CSUS Campus

Space is limited for this complimentary event
RSVP at 916-231-5278

Youtube Bans Max Blumenthal Video

Youtube Bans “Feeling The Hate In Jerusalem”
Posted by Max in June 18th 2009

Feeling The Hate In Jerusalem -- The Censored Video from Max Blumenthal on Vimeo.

Youtube has removed my video, “Feeling The Hate In Jerusalem,” on the baseless grounds that it contains “inappropriate content.” They have offered me no further explanation and have stonewalled my inquiries and attempts to rectify the situation. Thus they have censored a video that contains far less inflammatory content than thousands of video they are already hosting. Why? I won’t ascribe motives to Youtube I am unable to confirm, but it is clear there is an active campaign by right-wing Jewish elements to suppress the video by filing a flood of complaints with Youtube. At the same time these elements have attempted to paint me as a self-hating Jew determined to foment anti-Semitism. I answered this last charge to Ha’aretz (read the barely coherent article here) last week: “I have received death threats from people, mainly ones calling me a self-hating Jew. I am self-hating, but my self-hatred has nothing to do with me being Jewish.”