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US SENATE CONTEST NY: WYSIWYG 20+ Year Liberal Activist Jonathan Tasini vs. Kirsten “Tracy Flick” Gillibrand

[M. Broderick, please pick up the white courtesy phone -- FAST!!!!]

I am hyperventilating.

I just read the wikipedia bio about Kirsten Gillibrand and then I perused her website.

Does someone have a paperbag I can breathe into for a sec?????? Issue-eclectic is the kindest phrase I can think of. Apparently it is the season for liberal-to-arch-conservative-issue cherry-picking among young, fast-rising pragmatic Dems with engaging smiles.

I was so very excited this past week to begin my volunteer work for Jonathan Tasini in New York. He is restoring functionality to my stricken, liberal heart from the shell shocking 8 years of Bushco insanity and now, oh hell, I’ll say it, my HORROR at Obama’s urbane yet questionable (another kind word) shenanigans in the name of compromise (and some are not compromises, but his own disturbing agendas, like rampant militarism and assuming the right of citizen assassination, but that is for another blog).

I’ll admit it here and now, I SUPPORT EMPATHY IN AMERICA. Rest assured, it is just about time to have the concept tortured once again by the Repubs and “denied” by the Dems with the upcoming SC hearings, sigh, following Justice Stevens' departure.

God knows what the latest diabolical M.O. will be behind this new Arizona fiasco! The press will at least have a lot of fun. They will enjoy doing commentary on the football skirmish that is partisan America!

I googled Gillibrand to check out Tasini's Dem competition for US senate in the special election in NY for later this year. I knew little about Gillibrand. Many New Yorkers thought Caroline Kennedy would be appointed by Governor Paterson to fill in after Hillary Clinton left the Senate. Gillibrand was a US House Rep from upstate. A charming looking young mother, who caused a media uproar at one point after confessing to keeping a gun or two under her bed. She did get points from me for honesty. Senator Schumer seemed very enthusiastic about her.

I recently found out that Gillibrand has received over $1.4 million in PAC campaign contributions from no less than Goldman Sachs. Tasini, on the other (cleaner) hand, has promised to forego Wall Street money. Clearly, with no "legalized corruption" campaign funding Jonathan has a Frank Capra fight on his – again, CLEAN -- hands. Our little red wagons with Tasini’s flyers, our modestly dear but heartfelt donations as our jobs shrink or disappear, are his honorable path to the Senate. We are determined. Our robust hearts girded to take on THE MACHINE.

Now, speaking of machines, The New York Times won’t even acknowledge Tasini exists in the race. Some in the big boy press have even declared Gillibrand a demure, “political dragon slayer” (How compelling and exciting is that for a female role model? Well, it would be if the reputation had been actually fought, not compromised, for.). Gillibrand is celebrated for having won in a Republican district of New York State and for now supposedly running uncontested on the ticket. Yes. That is the priority. WINNING. What did she say to win, one MIGHT ask? Does that even matter anymore? Ends justifies the means ... once again. Wasn't that our Bush complaint?

Yes, indeed, the guys in the press say "dragon slayer", I say "corporate puppet". To-may-toes, to-maw-toes? What’s the difference to a morally myopic America?

Anyway, this NYT blackout, is one example of how formidable things are for Tasini. No bags of corporate bucks? He therefore can’t pay to play. According to THEM. What about being highly qualified and experienced? Not even after Mr. Tasini combated an ambitious Hillary Clinton in 2006, again with little money and press coverage. He actually won 17% of the vote!!! If Clinton had had the nerve and integrity to debate him, who knows what would have happened.

Hey, and now we have a maybe not as demure as she looks Kirsten Gillibrand (WITH A GIGANTIC WAR CHEST c/o OUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD (AND I DO MEAN NEIGHBORHOOD) WALL STREET!). I can picture at this very moment somewhere in upstate NY an armored truck dumping another driveway full of cash for her, one of the newest Congressional enablers of the money class.

The press and status quo Dems and, most significantly, THE CORPORATISTS believe and are arranging for this Senate race to be a "cake walk" for Mrs. Gillibrand. Overkilling with financing seems the MO these days. Always was, perhaps, but now it has reached rather insane proportions. The rat bastards believe in SURE THINGS. (Isn’t that right, Barack?)

So, let’s see, a little more added to the Goldman pile. Tasini asserted that Goldman money especially was tainted since Goldman is under SEC investigation and Gillibrand and others should return money from them -- to begin to clean up campaign funding corruption. This was on a Brian Lehrer wnyc interview most recently. Lehrer reminded Tasini that, after all, Goldman is “innocent until proven guilty.” Yup, the way all PERSONS are. Yes, let's await the outcome of this one in accountability comatose Obama-world. I don't mean poll-responsive kabuki scolding by Congress and a 24-hour news story re Goldman. I mean real accountability. Lehrer was implying Tasini was not being legally realistic. Yeah, ethically, morally REALISTIC I would say -- you could put money on it if any of us still had some, but .... technically speaking I suppose, not legally realistic. Remember, SCOTUS is VERY protective of those little ol’ corps and their ever growing, Frankensteinian personhoods! (Double sigh.)

So, anyway, it was only about fifteen minutes ago I “googled” Gillibrand.

When I at first read in wiki that acerbic Maureen Dowd had disclosed Gillibrand’s nickname among her own delegation was “Tracy Flick” (Reese Witherspoon's name in the brilliantly satiric movie, Election) I felt sorry for Gillibrand and annoyed with Dowd. How mean of them all mocking an earnest woman politician trying to make her mark. As a new advocate for Tasini, I assured myself I would certainly try to stay on higher ground regarding his competitor.

But then I perused Gillibrand’s smorgasborg of contradictory stances, and the most stunningly wholesome manipulative website I have ever seen, ... I went IN A NEW YORK MINUTE from discounting her potential clout as an opponent for my new hero, Tasini, TO FEAR AND LOATHING IN NEW YORK STATE. Let me get my breath for a sec and say, "TRACY FLICK FLICK FLICK FLICK!!!!!"

Tasini has the fight of his life coming up. The "MACHINE" is bad enough ... you know ... the monster matrix from a sociopathic ruling class ruining our country, other countries and the planet.

But Tasini’s fight also now has the fiercest of fierce foes – a blue-eyed, blonde-haired, lovely, pre-soccer-mom chameleon-cherry-picker of liberal and blue dog and down right ugly conservative issues (the latter especially re immigration and cigarette manufacturing). Corporate benefactress of SERIOUS money. Gillibrand is dotingly being mentored by the long-time Senate king of DEREGULATION, super-friend of AIPAC and Israel and status quo Dem crony, Senator Chuck Schumer.

As I personally am "re-embracing my Naderism," I realize we are in the day not of liberal bedrock principles and morality, but URBANE-BARACK-INCREMENTALISM and pragmatic, "let’s take our time and pretend compromising with non-compromising assholes doesn’t make us even worse assholes" ... and "gets us the same old/same old status quo -- or worse -- when we need SERIOUS REFORM. Now!!! Yesterday!!!! Eight years ago, even!!!!" What is Obama doing trying to find the center on an amoral slippery slope???

I feel like I am trapped until election day in a movie venue playing -- simultaneously -- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (with my Tasini fight), Invasion of the Body Snatchers, that early, great, Kevin McCarthy one (for my Obama apologist peers) and Election (with bright-eyed Kirsten, she even looks like a young Hillary only without the troubling baggage (you know, Bill) -- this do anything for power, earnest, Kirsten-Reese-Gillibrand!).

Two seconds into her website I saw two liberal heroes of mine, Gloria Steinem and Robert Kennedy Jr. flash by. WTF??? Back in wiki it read that Gillibrand was mentored by Republican in-your-face Al D’Amato. Eclectic? Gillibrand, another engaging crony community organizer in our corporate captured, political mafia of national government.

On her website are many appealing shots of a golden Gillibrand holding Haitian orphans, embracing the elderly, embracing vets, embracing nutritious vegetables, etc. It's all good – great, even. And she also apparently is capable of speaking – are you ready? – Chinese!!!! Nice touch, Kirsten. No small feat.

But there is this money issue and a few others.

Gillibrand was pro guns, but wait... not so much any more. She wanted English as an official language. Maybe not any more. She was against don’t ask, don’t tell, but wait... now she is more flexible? She wanted ACORN stripped of funding... oh... wait that's not even her prob any more. And she comes from a centrist, Republican-friendly Dem family with ... are you ready? ... a famous women’s rights activist grandma! AGGGGHHHHHH.

A female Barack for all seasons, all projections. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!!!! Another great smile. Tasini has a great smile, too. But, will the media let America get to see it I wonder?

Gillibrand wanted accelerated deportations of immigrants ... oh but wait a minute ... NOT SO MUCH NOW ... or where does she stand today... what day is it? Saturday!

Much homework still for me to do and re wikipedia, can they keep up with her I am wondering? She's like the New England weather.

Okay, I know, representing upstate NY was one thing, and now having to mollify the (softer at least) libs ... ahem, correction, pragmatic progressives in NYC (forget the far left -- that had its branch of the Dem party sawed off upon Obama's Presidential commencement or much earlier, I was more slow-witted among the lefties. Except now for us there is a nice inclusion in the campaign of exciting Mr. Tasini). As for Gillibrand, well, let's face it, a political contender has to be .... you know ... flexible. Open to mentoring. "Pragmatic." (Grrrrr. How I hate that word. The word that let “public option” eclipse “expanded medicare” and blocked universal healthcare for another generation.)

I am sure Gillibrand is a lovely woman. I am sure she would dazzle me, if she wears the right mask. Maybe she is simply a complicated woman? Or maybe Tasini is a more complicated guy. Critical thinking and real, values-based (not popularity based) decision-making for him. That is the challenge and the responsibility, well, it used to be, of our supposed leaders.

So let's explore ... what else has Tasini got? ... Serious, rational thinking! (Ralph Keyes named this the “post-rational” period of America. I would add “post-feeling", too.) Tasini has moral consistency! Tasini represents integrity, empathy and intelligence! Tasini talks truth to power! You know where Tasini stands! Tasini is forthright! He has done his homework!

So that is damn great, huh? Good stuff on our side? Pshaw! (How the hell do you spell that?) Not with the shallow corporatist press. Not in this, what Rachel Maddow calls, “ethical freak show of a universe.” Style not substance. 20-years or 20-minute held beliefs? What’s the diff in the eyes of our lazy-assed or shell-shocked or learned helpless or narcissistic population and bright shiny object A.D.D. schadenfreude amoral corporate enabled media? Sound bite and photo! Don’t waste my time with sanity and sense.

Would I or any of you share a Starbuck’s latte with this pre-soccer mom? You betcha! Or maybe a nice, tall glass of industrial strength Dem/Obama koolaid?

Kirsten, congrats, and good luck to you. I suspect you'll do well in accountability comatose America. Spin away. But we're going to fight you.

That fight is gonna be tough with an opponent like Gillibrand. Better not say anything mean about her or to her! How could ANYONE begin to???? Look at that face and that caring body language on all those inclusive, crony photos. If anyone got seriously harsh with Gillibrand, all things to all people, I suspect press, feminists, corporatists would not like it one bit. Even the Statue of Liberty guesting atop the headline area of her website, with glorious blue sky behind, would get off her pedestal and smack you! Ms. Gillibrand’s admirers, new and newer, would be on Tasini or anyone faster than white on rice.

Do visit Ms. Gillibrand’s glorious website. Seriously great shot of the Statue of Liberty. That blue, blue free and open American sky .. SIGH ... It all shines forth, as does her shining face and the greatest assortment of photos and cronies an ambitious Tracy ... er ... Kirsten could possibly want.

SHE IS DAMN GOOD. And she is a mommy. And she is smart.

And, let's see, she is endorsing Employee Free Choice. As is Jonathan. Shit.

To me she seems Barack-ist in her mile wide and inch deep bipartisan good will. Should fit right in. As our collective lower lip sinks closer to the surface of the amoral, economic quicksand that is our America. Yeah, that's what we need. Another flexible political gamesperson who seems so trustworthy, butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth.

RIGHT! A blue dog? That is what she was considered in the House. No, really! But these days, if you consider Obama a liberal, not any more! She is morphing into an Obama friendly "moderate." Tea party will probably call her a socialist, anyway, AND a fascist. (Too bad they don’t know what the differences are.) Just one more insult, this surreal mislabeling, to the battered liberal brains and hearts. One more level of catch-22 hell.

JONATHAN, first of all, we gotta get some more photos and clean out some of the text!!!!! Love your websites, but think about it. So many issues. So depressssssssing mired in so much reality, Jonathan. Americans want hopium. They want cronyism. Good old American cronyism. (The Pope knows a lot about cronyism, too.) Anyway, KG has got lots of nice smiles and pictures. Jonathan, you got sad stories and protesting arguments and rational demands. Demands, Jonathan. For America? Again, for accountability comatose America? What a bummer, man. Too much substance, Jonathan, not enough flashy style. Not enough pure apple pie. Are you holding any babies? No! Are you schmoozing with the elderly? No. Fighting for them, yes. But not schmoozing.

Kirsten-Tracy’s website ... awesome ... I mean classic and tasteful jingoism! Go ahead, google it! It is really lovely. Anyone interested? I AM NOT GONNA LINK IT FOR YA!

We among her opposition need SERIOUS HELP. Maybe we should go ask Simon Cowell, Rupert Murdoch, Karl Rove, et al., the real brains behind American culture for advice on cultivating trust from the American people?

Absolutely NOT! I am kidding. I know there are spiritual champions out there in America, famous and not famous, on the other end of the continuum from the three craven wheeler-dealers I just mentioned!

I have to catch my breath again.

Gillibrand seemed a nebulous figure. A bright-eyed, blonde-haired, attractive mother of two very young children. She is young, flexible, media-friendly. She could be around forever helping out those needy corporations. She's a DEM! Think of it. Longevity and career leverage. What more is a Congressperson on either side of the aisle after? Well, Tasini might have a more complicated opinion on that.

Kirsten, I am sorry for popping off at you. Obviously you are taking some mensch-like positions. I don’t think the likes of RFK, Jr. and Gloria would hang with you if you didn’t.

But let’s just look at all that corporate moolah. So not cool. So very not cool. Hypocrisy on steroids. Do you guys think if you take all that money Americans don’t get it? Maybe most of them don’t. But many American people are not stupid. It is gonna catch up to you at some point.

Maybe even with Tasini's fight in this 2010!

[cross-posted at ]


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#1 Just caught this today in the WSJ

Tracy Flick's ... er, Gillibrand's husband accused of shorting the housing market

Congress Members Bet on Fall in Stocks


    Jonathan Gillibrand, husband of New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, made more than 250 transactions in options in his E*Trade account in 2008, when his wife was in the House, according to disclosures.

    Almost all the trades were in put options, which convey the right to sell a stock or other instrument at a given price until a given date. At least 34 times, Mr. Gillibrand bought puts on stocks of home builders, including Beazer Homes USA Inc., Hovnanian Enterprises Inc., Meritage Homes Corp. and Ryland Group Inc. These were bets the builder stocks would fall; if they did, the puts' value would rise.

    Mr. Gillibrand also bought call options on ProShares UltraShort Real Estate. Although call options are bullish bets, this trade, too, was a bet against the property market, because the ProShares fund is designed to rise $2 for each $1 fall in real-estate stocks. His profit or loss couldn't be determined.


PS "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," good one ;-)