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Sounds like a Monty Python sketch - Schwarzhalsziegen rustlers on the loose in Germany

Ewe idiots

    Ewe might think they look cute -but the sheepish thieves who stole these rare goat-sheep could be stuck with them forever.

    The mountain beasts - which look like a goat at the front and a sheep at the rear - are so rare there are only a few hundred in the world.

    A police spokesman in Dillenburg, Germany, said: "It's very likely they weren't professional rustlers because they used a Volkswagen hatchback to transport them.

    "They will find them almost impossible to sell on because every single one of them is accounted for around the world."

    The shaggy coated Schwarzhalsziegen were originally bred to survive hard frozen winters in mountain farms around Germany.


Water wars: Stewart vs. Hannity

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Where the Riled Things Are
Daily Show
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Political Humor Ron Paul Interview

"The Daily Show" funnyman Jon Stewart took some time last night to poke fun at Fox News host Sean Hannity's recent special on California's water woes.

Are we threatened by gay penguins?

September 26 - October 3, 2009 marks the 27th annual Banned Books Week. Authors, artists and musicians will gather in San Francisco on Oct. 1st to protest against the banning of books in schools and libraries in the US. The American Library Association reports that “And Tango Makes Three” by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell was the most banned from 2006 to 2008.

This Preschool to Grade 3 book is based on a true story about a charming penguin family living in New York City's Central Park Zoo will capture the hearts of penguin lovers everywhere. The main characters are Roy and Silo, two male penguins, that are "a little bit different." These birds cuddle and share a nest like the other penguins, and when all the others start hatching eggs, they want to be parents, too. However they have little luck, until a watchful zookeeper decides they deserve a chance at having their own family and gives them an egg in need of nurturing. Then the dedicated and enthusiastic fathers do a great job of hatching their funny and adorable daughter, and the three can still be seen at the zoo today.

“ We wrote the book to help parents teach children about same-sex parent families. It's no more an argument in favor of human gay relationships than it is a call for children to swallow their fish whole or sleep on rocks. ” co-author Justin Richardson, New York Times (2005)

Obama Wan Kenobi


Rawk on dude


How Dumb Do You Have To Be To Believe What Glenn Beck Tells You?

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Countdown With Keith Olbermann

Refuting Beck's "communist" Rockefeller Center

Video: Young Republican (?) explains "Socilism"


I Don't Believe in Public Options

Exclusive Video of Teabaggers Protesting

"Sound of Moolah"

"The Sound of Moolah" is a humorous musical presenting the facts and details about Single Payer Health Care, based on the real legislation in the California Senate, SB 810, authored by Senator Mark Leno. Dr. Maria is one of a cast of eight puppets that present a live and lively enactment of why we need Single Payer health reform: how and why it can deliver high quality care to everyone in California and save money.

Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:30pm-3:30pm

The Single Payer Players perform

"The Sound of Moolah"
written and directed by Wendy Ring, MD, MPH

Coloma Community Center Auditorium - 4623 T Street - Sacramento, CA 95819 Suggested Donation - $3.00 to $10.00


With a title like SOCIALIST HEALTHCARE DEATH PANEL, I just had to pass it on.

Stop by Luna's on Friday for a night of great music! Don't forget to bring your signs (I like: "Keep Your Damn Government Hands Off My Medicare")


Jackson invited you to "SOCIALIST HEALTHCARE DEATH PANEL FRIDAY @ LUNA'S!" on Friday, August 14 at 9:00pm.

Jackson says, "Playing a rare live gig this Friday night at Luna's in Midtown Sacto with my pals the Half Measures and Rich Varone. If you have the evening open, we promise a night of excellent original music for $6.".

What: Concert
Host: Jackson Griffith, Rich Varone, Josh Chesney, Luna's
Start Time: Friday, August 14 at 9:00pm
End Time: Saturday, August 15 at 12:00am
Where: Luna's Cafe

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Republic of Kenya Birth Certificate Generator

Kenyan Birth Certificate Generator - Make your own! Invalidating legitimate presidencies since 2009!

"Birther Approved, so you know it's gotta be good!"


This is so dumb it's funny


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