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Health Care

Kucinich: "...a Government of the Lobbyists, by the Lobbyists, for the Special Interest Groups..."

Rep. Dennis Kucinich appeared on CSpan recently. I found myself asking why Kucinich is in such a philosophical minority in Washington when everything he says addresses the serious economic and physical realities grinding down the American citizenry. Kucinich speaks with passion, clarity and empathy.

Kucinich admits that Obama received an “unmitigated mess” from George Bush. But he contends Washington is now too paralyzed to restore justice. He warns that we can’t afford to get gridlocked by partisanship. “The country is collapsing!” he declares. Kucinich maintains that health care is one of a three-pronged crisis. Our broken political system is not providing jobs, universal health care or saving homes for its citizens.

Our administration and Congress are not holding insurance companies accountable for the price gouging happening and even profoundly escalating right now. Kucinich believes the proposed health care bill has a CENTRAL FLAW. It is LOCKING IN PRIVATIZATION. There is no process for control of premiums. Kucinich’s rhetoric does not hold back. He calls this government a “cash cow” for corporations. It is providing corporations such as insurance companies with a “license to steal.” At one point he warns of us becoming “slaves on a health insurance plantation.”

Dr. Angell on Obamacare: Poison Pills for All!

If anyone starts giving you a hard time about “not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good” and how important it is for our Congress people to go ahead and hold their noses while they vote for the President’s Trojan horse of a health care bill in the name of incremental progress, consider some serious warnings made by Dr. Marcia Angell (first woman editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine and currently a lecturer at Harvard Medical School) in a recent Bill Moyers' interview.

Dr. Angell asserts this bill is a step in the WRONG, not right, direction. She laments the profound lack of leadership shown by the President for health care reform. She warns that this bill would pour hundreds of billions of dollars of public money into health care companies in the next decade. At the same time, our hapless citizenry will be forced to pay whatever exorbitant rates will be levied by avaricious, profit making insurers. Given the obscene, record-making profits 4 of the 5 largest insurance megacorporations made last year, in these very troubled times for the rest of us, Dr. Angell’s warning deserves serious consideration:

Dr. Angell:

Fighting for the wrong things and too little, too late. He [Obama] gave away the store at the very beginning by compromising. Not just compromising, but caving in to the commercial insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry. And then he stood back for months while the thing just fell apart. Now he's fighting, but he's fighting for something that shouldn't pass. Won't pass and shouldn't pass.

Single Payer -- Code Name "Rumpelstiltskin"

I find myself more and more bewildered and angered over the total disenfranchisement of Single Payer-Expanded Medicare for All advocates in the official national health care reform conversation.

A recent article by Robert Kuttner is entitled “The Cure That Dares Not Speak Its Name.” The cure for our broken health care system implied by Kuttner? Anti-commercialism.

Every other industrial nation has a system of health care coverage that offers universal coverage. Kuttner points out as examples Canada with its single payer program, England with its National Health Service and Germany with its non-profit insurance plans. In an international scoring of quality health care, we rank a pathetic 37th and yet costs for our system are 5% more of the GDP than the second costliest system's.

CA One Care video #1 - Mark Leno

State Senator Mark Leno, author of the Universal Health Care Act

Senator Mark Leno, author of Senate Bill 810, says that it’s time for Californians to be innovators once again. We can become the first state to enact a publicly funded, privately delivered single payer health care system that will cover everybody and save money.

There You Go Again, Assemblyman Niello

There You Go Again, Assemblyman Niello
(c) by Adam Eran
California assemblyman Roger Niello has been busy this week promoting his neocon talking points. In the Orangevale View he writes "lawmakers can no longer sit idly by and watch employers be regulated to death."
Meanwhile, Haiti -- without building code regulations -- suffered 200,000 dead after an earthquake the size of Chile's. Chile has building code regulations, and only 700 died. Who is really dead, and who is regulated?
Niello apparently believes government's taxes, spending and regulations never produce any real benefit; they only kill jobs. Never mind that better regulation would have prevented the sub-prime meltdown that has sent our economy into a tailspin, or that taxes have been cut for the last 30 years without any unusual upturn in the economy (the unusual upturn came after the Clinton administration raised the top marginal rates). And never mind that, after adjusting for inflation, California's per-capita State spending has been roughly flat for that same period. 

Eat lunch for peace every month

Wed, 02/17/2010 - 12:00pm
RSVP here:

When Wednesday, February 17, 2010
12 PM - 1 PM

Where Office of Rep. Doris Matsui
501 I Street
Federal Court House
Sacramento, CA 95814-7305

Progressive Democrats of America's Healthcare NOT Warfare campaign has expanded with the Brown Bag Lunch Vigils. PDA had its official kickoff for the BBLVs in January in 22 congressional districts across the country. This month, on February 17, at least 40 CDs will be holding these vigils to raise awareness among the public and our elected officials that the electorate is not being served by current U.S. war policies.

Brown Bag Lunch Vigils (BBLV) are held on the third Wednesday of every month (with a few exceptions) in front of the home offices of representatives, and even a senator or two, in congressional districts all over the country.

Wellstone Progressive Dems CDP Platform Meeting

Building a Progressive California Democratic Party Platform

The Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento (PDA) held a meeting on Saturday, Jan. 9th to discuss improvements to the CA Democratic Party (CDP) Platform. All area Progressive Democrats were invited by Wellstone President Tamie Dramer and Political Affairs Chair Chris Niehaus to help shape the Party's Platform. CDP Platform Committee member Christine Thomas started off with a brief overview of the committee. CDP Progressive Caucus Chair (and PDA NorCal co-coordinator) Karen Bernal spoke about the need for Progressives in California to change the Party and how we can use our numbers to improve our platform. The room overflowed with attendees that took on issues such as Health Care, the Environment, Energy, Labor, Economic Justice, Poverty Elimination, Education & Criminal Justice.

Pics from SB 810, Single Payer Lobby Day

Single Payer advocates, including NorCal PDA'ers, rallied at the State Capitol on Monday in support of SB 810. Nearly 1000 supporters, including 600 medical students from the California Health Professional Student Alliance and many members of CSEA and CNA, marched to the Capitol for their 5th annual Rally and Lobby Day. SB 810, the California Universal Health Care Act, is authored by Senator Mark Leno. Like its predecessor, SB 840 (Kuehl), it is expected to be passed by the State Legislature and sent to the Governor's desk, where he will once again have to decide whether to sign it or veto it.

California Assembly Panel Votes To Legalize Marijuana

California Assembly Panel Votes To Legalize Marijuana

Marijuana in jarsSince marijuana was criminalized more than 70 years ago, no panel of federal or state lawmakers has ever voted to reverse the ban and legalize it. That streak ended on Tuesday, when a California Assembly committee voted to approve AB 390, sponsored by Assembly Democrat Tom Ammiano, which would legalize, regulate and tax marijuana in the state of California.

The bill passed the Public Safety Committee by a 4-3 vote and now moves to the Health Committee before coming to the Assembly floor for a full vote.

Obama's Health Care Lies And Reversals

This video was posted by libbyliberal in the comments of another post and I thought it was important enough to have it's own post so everyone could see it...

Posted by Stranahan on youtube:

I'm a former Obama supporter. I'm just totally fed up with reversal after reversal and lie after lie from President Obama on health care.

2009—The PDA Year in Review

2009—The PDA Year in Review


This year was only weeks old when PDA members came together in Washington for a grassroots leadership meeting. The eyes of the world were focused on Washington in anticipation of the inauguration of Barack Obama, taking place just days later. Besides the coming celebration, PDA members were focused on how to make this organization even more effective in 2009.

With hopes for the new presidency still high, PDA hit the ground running under the Healthcare NOT Warfare banner. Armed with printed flyers and the Healthcare-mobile, PDA members and our allies fanned out across District and distributed 250 thousand pieces of material.

Obama as Head Waiter for the Plutocracy: Help Kill the "Cruel and Sleazy" HCR Bill

Helen Redmond in a scalding analysis of presidential and congressional (especially on the part of supposedly “progressive” Democrats) betrayal of the US citizenry with the health care fiasco now being hypocritically and dangerously heralded as “historic reform” writes:

“Millions believed Barack Obama’s campaign pledge to create a humane, affordable and inclusive health care system and rein in the copious abuses of the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. On the campaign trail, Obama proclaimed these corporations were greedy and more concerned about profits and patents than the needs of patients. Some thought because Obama was a former supporter of a single-payer system, he might just enact it when he won the Whitehouse. How wrong they were.

No one could have predicted how much influence and control over health care reform President Obama would give to the very corporate interests killing and bankrupting the American people, and who just a few months earlier, had fiercely attacked and called out by name. No one could have predicted the scale and scope of the sell out. It is truly astounding given the soaring rhetoric of before and the cruel and sleazy reality of now.”

“The cruel and sleazy reality of now."

I worked for Obama at the eleventh hour. I was one of the 80 million who responded to his invitation to hope. What he is doing right now along with a corporate-prostituted Congress? It is cruel and it is sleazy. It is anti-democracy. It cries out for citizen awareness, outrage and pushback!
