A Pyhrric Victory
Pyrrhic Victory

Since the Bush Zombie, Limbaugh Lemmings, don't seem to have any empathy for the deaths that have been caused by Shrub's war of pleasure: Let's look at the cost ...

U.S. War Spending to Rise 44% to $9.8 Billion a Month, Report Says
By Jeff Bliss

Friday 17 March 2006

US military spending in Iraq and Afghanistan will average 44 percent more in the current fiscal year than in fiscal 2005, the nonpartison Congressional Research Service said.

Spending will rise to $9.8 billion a month from the $6.8 billion a month the Pentagon said it spent last year, the research service said. The group's March 10 report cites 'substancial' expenses to replace or repair damaged weapons, aircraft, vehicles, radios and spare parts. ... read more

A billion here, a billion there.

What does it look like?

How 'bout a stack o' cash?

Bush's war of macho posturing has cost Sacramento $293,866,150 as of 2:30 PM Saturday March 18, 2006, and counting - cost the country, $258,356,000,000 and counting. How many schools could be built? How many hospitals? How many potholes filled? How many streetlights fixed? How many Police and Firemen trained? How many nurses? How many ...?

Any freepers lurking? Yea, yea, I know what you're thinking: "crazy, lefty, loonie, just trying to find dirt on Dubya". Well, check it out, "Mr. conservative" ...

Money for Nothing

Billions of dollars have disappeared, gone to bribe Iraqis and line contractors' pockets

By Philip Girarldi

"The United States invaded Iraq with a high-minded mission: destroy dangerous weapons, bring democracy, and trigger a wave of reform across the Middle East. None of these have happened.

When the final page is written on America's catastrophic imperial venture, one word will dominate the explanation of U.S. failure - corruption. Large scale and pervasive corruption meant that available resources could not be used to stabilize and secure Iraq in the early days of the CPA, when it was still possible to do so. Continuing corruption meant that the reconstruction of infrastructure never got under way, giving the Iraqi people little incentive to co-operate with the occupation. Ongoing corruption in arms procurement and defense spending means that Baghdad will never control a viable army while Shi'ite and Kurdish militias will grow stronger and produce a divided Iraq in which constituional guarantees will be irrelevant.

The American dominated CPA could very well prove to be the most corrupt administration in history, almost certainly surpassing the widespread fraud of the much maligned UN Oil for Food Program ... read more

Oh, and, BTW, they stole money from the Oil for Food Program too. Don't believe me? Believe the Kurds

More corruption

It's not all corruption you say - you're right, but how about some perspective, how much of the budget goes to DOD? How much goes to other programs? Some of which may interest you. Glad you asked.

This is from 2004, keep in mind DoD's budget has increased each and every single year of the Bush junta.

How will they pay for it? Breaking the budget

$68 billion more for Iraq and Afghanistan. Let me repeat that, $68 billion more, one more time, $68 billion more ... until the next supplemental funding bill which comes around every 5 or 6 months, then they'll get another $50 billion or so.

And they raised the debt ceiling to nearly $9 Trillion, that's nine thousand billion dollars.

Sorry, can't leave it alone. Collateral damage [Warning: graphic images]