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Voting Democratic OR Republican -- Choosing Moral Blindness?

Chris Floyd has written a compelling article responding to the anger of Robert Parry (revered liberal journalist who had broken important stories involving the Iran-contra scandal, the history of Bush family crimes, American betrayals of Central America, etc.) at liberals who are balking at voting Democratic out of conscience this November.

An important and highly painful issue for some voting in this upcoming election.

Chris Floyd writes:

Parry believes he is preaching a tough, gritty doctrine of "moral ambiguity." What he is in fact advocating is the bleakest moral nihilism. To Parry, the structure of American power -- the corrupt, corporatized, militarized system built and sustained by both major parties -- cannot be challenged. Not even passively, not even internally, for Parry scorns those who simply refuse to vote almost as harshly as those who commit the unpardonable sin: voting for a third party. No, if you do not take an active role in supporting this brutal engine of war and injustice by voting for a Democrat, then it is you who are immoral. 

You must support this system. It is the only moral choice. What’s more, to be truly moral, to acquit yourself of the charge of vanity and frivolity, to escape complicity in government crimes, you must support the Democrat.

Floyd inventories the present administration against Parry’s stance:

DPSC 2012 Tower Bridge Awards

Democratic Party of Sacramento County
2012 Tower Bridge Awards

Thursday May 10th, 2012

The Firehouse
1112 Second Street, Old Sacramento, CA
6 pm

Individuals $60-
Sponsorships Available


Sacramento Democratic Clubs' Candidate Forum

Saturday, May 5th 11:00am to 1:30pm

Woodlake Hotel (formerly the Radisson) Pavilion Room, 500 Leisure Lane in Sacramento
FREE admission

The Stonewall Democratic club has joined forces with the JFK Democratic Club, Women Democrats of Sacramento County, Fem Dems of the Sacramento Region, the Veterans Democratic Club of Sacramento County, Elk Grove-South County Democratic Club, the Folsom Democratic Club, the Latino Democratic Club, the Green Democratic Club and the Wellstone Progressive Democrats to present a candidate community forum.

The schedule of candidates speaking is as follows:

Response to July 16, 2010 E-mail from NJ Sen. Frank Lautenberg on the 9 Marvi Marmara Flotilla Murders

Response to July 16, 2010 E-mail from NJ Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Which Lacked Truth, Integrity, or Merit
Andrew H. Dral ("Janosik" -- "The Rabble")

April 3, 2012

Gateway Center, 23rd Floor
Newark, NJ 07102

Dear Sen. Frank Lautenberg,

In response to your July 16, 2010 e-mail, I found your response completely lacking in any truth, without an ounce of integrity, and completely lacking any merit. It’s clear the United States (U.S.) isn’t your first country of loyalty, it is clearly Israel. From your e-mail, “The Israeli Navy intercepted these ships [Mavi Marmara flotilla] before they reached Gaza and were attacked by a small group of individuals on the lead ship.” The truth, the ships were illegally intercepted by the Israeli Navy in international seas. Second, the Israeli Navy attacked and murdered peaceful activists on the lead ship. In addition, the U.S. congress is the best government money can buy. The U.S. congress is beset by bribery, baksheesh, and wanton immoral greed. The Israelis and their fifth column within the U.S., American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), have corrupted our congress. Congress is scared to death of the Israeli lobby. It has been bribed to follow the Israeli Likud Party line, U.S. Middle-east policy is set by Israel.

Wellstone Progressives Monthly Meeting

Colonial Heights Library
4799 Stockton Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95820

Thursday, Nov. 17 - 7 PM

Fellow Progressives,

This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow will be our regular monthly Wellstone meeting at the Colonial Heights Library at 4799 Stockton Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95820-4500 starting at 7pm. We will tentatively be discussing our endorsement process as well as a possible bylaws amendment to remove the requirement that we can only endorse after the filing deadline, and discussing our club's priorities for the upcoming state party preendorsement conferences.

Andres Ramos
Co-President, WPDS

If a Republican Were President ...

Friday 14 October 2011
by: Robert Scheer, Truthdig | Op-Ed

If a Republican were president, there would be millions of properly coiffed middle-class Democrats and independents at those Occupy Wall Street marches, and no questions asked as to what they really want. With 25 million Americans unable to find full-time work, 50 million whose homeownership dream has turned into the nightmare of foreclosure, and an all-time high of 46.2 million -- including 22 percent of our children -- living in poverty, the call to throw the bums out would be compelling.

But the protest signs in a nation headed by a Republican, though surely gussied up a bit with ad-agency savvy, would be the same as they are now: Stop catering to the top 1 percent who get ever wealthier, and focus on helping the 99 percent who are hurting. To accomplish that, we need a moratorium on bank-ordered evictions, along with a government-funded program to aid the underemployed that is as robust as the trillions spent to save the Wall Street swindlers who caused all of this trouble.

Instead, we're left with a Democratic president who sooths our rage with promises of decent-paying jobs that in actuality are being vigorously exported from our shores by the president's top corporate backers. That absurdity was marked by Barack Obama's choice of Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric -- a company that has shifted to foreign countries two-thirds of its workforce and 82 percent of its profits -- to head the president's job creation council.

Norman Solomon at the 8th Annual Auburn Area Democratic Club Fundraiser

Norman Solomon scheduled to speak on October 9, at the 8th Annual Auburn Area Democratic Club Fundraiser. The time is 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Norman will be speaking between 2:30 and 3.

Event takes place at the wonderful Victorian Latitudes Restaurant and Bistro, 130 Maple Street in Auburn, CA.

Tickets are $35/person which entitles you to two drink tickets for either fabulous wine or beer, all the delicious appetizers you can eat, a chance to meet local dignitaries and candidates, including Norman.

Our notorious silent auction is filled with local artists' work, jewelry, rafting trips, a vacation condo in Playa del Carmen, and much more.

For tickets on line go to or send a check made out to AADC to P.O. Box 6851, Auburn CA, 95604. Tickets will be mailed to you. For more information call Pat Burke at 916 663-6663.

Why is the Democratic Party Allowing Obama to Destroy It?

Mike Whitney declares:

This is Barack Obama’s economy now....

Obama's failure will likely result in political change that will deliver the White House to the GOP in 2012. Then the deficit hawks will control both houses of congress and the White House, and they will slash spending and push the economy into another Great Depression. This is not speculation. This WILL happen. Obama has made sure it will happen by shrugging off the warnings of every competent economist in the country, all of whom have said repeatedly that we needed more stimulus to lower employment, to reduce the output gap, to increase GDP, and to put the economy back on track.


It's not that Obama merely brushed off the considered advice of liberal economists like Joseph Stiglitz, Robert Reich, Paul Krugman, Mark Thoma, Dean Baker etc etc etc. But he also ignored the main players in his former economics team; Lawrence Summers, Christina Romer, Peter Orzag, all of whom strongly recommended more stimulus (to avoid another downturn) in editorials in leading US newspapers.

10 Facts About The Financial Condition Of American Families That Will Blow Your Mind

Related: #fuckyouwashington, and Capt. Obama, USS Titanic, Tosses Older Women Overboard First, and Republican Hypocrisy on the Deficit, and Obama and Social Security: NewDealDemocrat Tees Off

    The crumbling U.S. economy is putting an extraordinary amount of financial stress on American families. For many Americans, "flat broke" has become a permanent condition. Today, over half of all American families live paycheck to paycheck. Unemployment is rampant and those that do actually have jobs are finding that their wages are rising much more slowly than prices are. The financial condition of average American families continues to decline and this is showing up in all of the recent surveys. For example, according to a new Gallup poll, "lack of money/low wages" is the number one financial concern for American families.


>>> Trendsmap <<<

Tweeters rage against the D.C. machine

    Spurred by a blogger to vent about gridlock and political posturing in Washington over the debt ceiling crisis, the Twittersphere was burning this morning with citizens' grievances against their government, announced with an expletive-filled hashtag - vulgarity mixed with insight and a lot of common sense.

    Jeff Jarvis (of promoted the flood of Twitter messages with the hashtag #F---YouWashington. A sample is presented below, spelling and punctuation uncorrected.

'Battered Obama Syndrome' Dems Bring Out The Styrofoam Torches & Pitchforks

I have got to herald Marc Rubin’s (“tom in paine”’s) so deserved, delicious and yet depressing diatribe against the colossal impotence of collective doormat TEAM DEM as Obama continues to amiably and relentlessly dismantle democracy . Un-friggin'-believable.

Rubin launches :

I received an email not too long ago from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee asking me to sign a petition that threatened Obama by telling him that if he sold out on social security and Medicare, they would, in no uncertain terms vote for him anyway.

I'm not kidding. That's what it said. If there has ever been a weaker more pathetic more useless political threat ever made I haven't seen it.

This, it seems, is what it is to be a "progressive". And they really wonder why they didn't get a public option, a decent financial reform law and an end to the Bush tax cuts and why Obama is ready to sell out anything to get a deal on the debt ceiling.

Rubin explains that the Progressive Campaign Change Committee a/k/a (oxymoronically) “Bold Progressives” managed to get 200,000 signatures to challenge the White House about its threats to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. 200,000 signatures. GREAT! EXCEPT .... their threat was TO REFUSE TO DONATE OR VOLUNTEER FOR OBAMA’S RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN if he cuts entitlements. At the same time, they make it crystal clear they still intend to vote for him whatever he does.

Obama and Social Security: NewDealDemocrat Tees Off

I've been saving this link for over a year to use at the right time. And the reason I didn't hit submit is because I know there are a lot of true believers out there who still think that he, and the rest of the Washington Democrats, are on their side. The Democratic Party of FDR and JFK will be destroyed if they get away with this. Click the link below to go to the source to watch the youtubes

Obama and Social Security: NewDealDemocrat Tees Off

by NewDealDemocrat

Last week President Obama said that he will be "agnostic" as to any changes, including Social Security benefit cuts, that his debt reduction commission recommends. This is a far cry from his constant campaign rhetoric in which he promised to listen to all recommendations, but his plan was to raise the payroll cap on contributions.

This is a sad but necessary piece in which I lay out the evidence, which I believe is compelling, that Barack Obama's own words and deeds reveal that his real agenda all along has been to use a commission or summit to cut Social Security benefits, and that the campaign rhetoric was just a sop to anesthetize opposition. This for a program that, at worst, faces a shortfall 30 years from now, and that Obama himself called the cornerstone of the American social compact.

King George III Won: Happy Fourth of July!

King George III Won: Happy Fourth of July!
By David Swanson

The Declaration of Independence is best remembered as a declaration of war, a war declared on the grounds that we wanted our own flag. The sheer stupidity and anachronism of the idea serves to discourage any thoughts about why Canada didn't need a bloody war, whether the U.S. war benefitted people outside the new aristocracy to whom power was transferred, what bothered Frederick Douglas so much about a day celebrating "independence," or what the Declaration of Independence actually said.

When you read the Declaration of Independence, it turns out to be an indictment of King George III for various abuses of power. And those abuses of power look fairly similar to abuses of power we happily permit U.S. presidents to engage in today, either as regards the people of this nation or the people of territories and nations that our military occupies today in a manner uncomfortably resembling Britain's rule over the 13 colonies.

Or perhaps I should say, a large portion of us take turns being happy or outraged depending on the political party with which the current president is identified.

Axelrod Destroyed the Democratic Party in Order to Save It -- Destroyed Democracy for Ego and Gamesmanship

Boy, you just can’t make this stuff up.

Weiner exhibiting his “package” via email.

Thank you, Anthony. Exhibit A. That just about sums up what the ruling patriarchy is all about. Power and competition and the biggest “package” whether of a person, a party, a nation or nations. The killer drones, by the way, seem to slide very easily into the abundance of phallic imagery penetrating the public through the addicted-to-titillation, disinforming, amoral media these days.

The alleged molestation by DSK is another one of those awesome, you can’t make these perfect metaphors up, of the IMF’s will to rape Africa, Africa represented by a vulnerable and working class African woman.

But I want to go after a patriarchal player who has not been called out enough to suit my angry needs. “Obama’s Rove” some have called him. A slyer, slicker counterpart of Rove, especially in his ability to APPEAR not sly nor slick.

2011 Annual Jefferson Jackson Dinner

The Placer County Democratic Party
Presents the 2011 Annual
Jefferson Jackson Dinner
Honoring Labor… Preserving America’s Middle Class

Sunday June 5, 2011
5:00 - 9:00 pm

McBean Pavilion
65 McBean Park Drive, Lincoln, CA 95648

Keynote Speaker
Willie L. Pelote, Sr.
Assistant Director, American Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)