Howard Dean's sell out and betrayal : by Cindy Sheehan
Howard Dean's sell out and betrayal

(My response to Howard Dean after he advocated for the continued occupation of Iraq)

This is the article I am referencing: To send a letter of your own.

April 24, 2005

Mr. Dean,

My son was KIA in Iraq on 04/04/04.

I have in the past admired you for your steadfast efforts for truth and for your integrity. However, I seriously have to disagree with you when you say that the US can't leave Iraq now. I think that our mere presence in that country is fueling the insurgency that killed my son. This revolt has also killed many more of America's sons and daughters ( more than the official count) and has also maimed thousands of our nations children. Very tragically, our very presence in that country has been responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and for the destruction of the country.

Mr. Dean, don't you think that the Iraqi people can rebuild their own country? Before the US invasion in March of 2003, they had a very capable work force filled with construction workers, contractors, engineers, etc. The Iraqi people are not feeble minded. To think that the Iraqi citizens need our military presence there to rebuild their country is arrogant and even racist. I think the 81 billion dollar appropriation's bill that the misguided and foolish Congress just passed would be better off being a reparation's bill. The argument that Iraq will descend into chaos if the US military presence leaves is also specious. The country is already a confusing entanglement of devastation. Let's pull our troops out and see if that helps suppress the insurgency. I know it will help stop American soldiers and Marines from being killed and maimed for absolutely no reason.

Also, I know you know the despicable condition that the VA system and military hospital system are in right now. Are you suggesting that we create thousands of more mentally and physically wounded of our children who will be dependent on a system that is so flawed? If you recall, Congress just rejected 1.3 billion dollars in additional emergency funding for the VA. Who will diagnose and support our soldiers who are coming home contaminated by depleted uranium sickness? This serious consequence of our government's waging of a nuclear war in the middle east will never be recognized by our government. In addition to the physical suffering, I know some soldiers who have returned from this US led aggression in Iraq who are suffering terribly from PTSD and they have been waiting for over a year for VA approval to get treated. PTSD is rarely diagnosed so our young people who were sent to fight an immoral, illegal and unnecessary war by their reckless and arrogant Commander-in-Chief have extreme difficulty receiving the help they need from their ungrateful government.

Mr. Dean even more importantly and castastrophically, this "war" is based on treasonous deceptions. Not one American soldier, nor one Iraqi should have been killed for the irresponsible and tragic invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation. Common sense would dictate that not one more person should be killed for these same lies. One of the people killed so pointlessly, my son, was more than enough for me and my family. I will live in almost unbearable pain until I die. First of all, because my first born was killed violently, and secondly, because he was killed for a neo-con agenda that only benefits a very chosen few in this world. This agenda and their war machine will chew up and spit out as many of our children as they can unless we stop them now.

In 1967 it was recognized by our government officials that Viet Nam was not winnable. From that point until the "Pullout," 38,000 more of our sons and daughters were needlessly slaughtered. How many innocent Vietnamese were killed before we finally pulled out? Millions? Continued sanctioning of the occupation of Iraq is continued sanctioning of premeditated murder. Please use your forum to expose the pack of lies and the senseless blood and tears bath that this invasion/occupation is causing. We should not stay. We should not let Israel/USA invade Syria or Iran. The consequences of this would be too shocking to even contemplate.

The only way that I and my organization, Gold Star Families for Peace, feel that our children in the armed forces should be supported at this point would be to bring them home, immediately.

Additionally, my family and my group are offended by hearing this administration say that our troops have to remain in Iraq and complete "the mission" to honor our loved one's sacrifices. First of all, no one can explain this constantly changing mission to us. Secondly, we don't want any more innocent blood spilled just because it is too late for our soldiers and our families. When does all the blood shed become enough for our bloodthirsty leaders? Sorry to say, Mr. Dean, it appears that you have become one of them.

Mr. Dean, your speaking out as a representative of the Democratic party for continuing the occupation disgusted me beyond belief. I was going to give the Demopublicans (Republicrats) another chance when you were elected as Chair, but now: See you later, alligator. You should be relentlessly and courageously fighting to end the occupation. You should be making sure that a consistent policy against all preemptive war is set in stone in our country. You should be joining us in the Peace movement in guaranteeing that our Nation's precious lifeblood is never used so carelessly again. But, alas, you are like all the rest of the cowards who won't speak out against the pointless slaughter and I am distressed and disheartened.

Cindy Sheehan
Mother of Hero: Spc Casey Austin Sheehan KIA 04/04/04
Co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace,

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Principles over personalities
Thanks, Cindy, for your insight. I think it's important that we don't deify Howard Dean or any other individual, but that we keep it about our progressive principles. That means that if Dean or someone else violates our progressive principles, we hold his or her feet to the fire!

This is something that Democratic Party hacks don't get; if someone uses the label "Democrat," the hacks expect us to just shut up and follow in lockstep.

What troubles me most about the "argument" that now that we are in Iraq we cannot leave Iraq is that it gives the Bush regime the green light to launch another illegal, immoral, unprovoked and imperialist invasion of another sovereign nation that has done nothing to warrant a U.S. invasion of it.

While I find it disturbing that Dean has echoed this "argument," I think it's too early to call his leadership of the DNC failed. I plan to hang in there for Dean for at least a little while longer. He might issue an apology and a retraction. We'll see.