Tell Halliburton to leave Woodland and the Sacramento Valley
Did you know that war profiteer Halliburton has a facility in Woodland? They have bilked the US taxpayers of millions, if not billions, of dollars. It's time to end the war profiteering of all corporations! Join activists from Sacramento, Yolo County and the Bay Area as they protest this war profiteer, literally in our backyard!

Thurs., Nov. 8th - 9:00 AM
1990 Hays Ln
Woodland, CA 95776
I-5 North to County Road 102 exit. Go straight onto Hays Ln.

Tell War Profiteer Halliburton to leave Woodland and the Sacramento Valley and stop corrupting our communities with its War Profiteering! Bring signs, friends, and your outrage!

Thursday, Nov 8, 9am,
Halliburton Plant, 1990 Hays Lane, Woodland.


Time: Thursday, November 8, 2007 - 10:00am PST
Length: 1:00