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Cornel West's note to Obama

I'm glad someone finally put this up on youtube. Tell it like it is Mr. West...

Cornel West's note to Obama

Cornel West's note to Obama, BBC News, January 20, 2010.




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#1 amen!

Great video, bill! He frames it as tough love... but he is going after obamaworld!

Obama justifies amorality labeling it as "apolitical"! no no no no no! We have to call him out on this.

Morality has become dissed as ideological. Social justice advocates labeled in obamaworld as extremists. Denying enablers of corporatists are pragmatists?

Obama's charisma... seductive. Style not substance.

Getting late in the "game" Obama. Please do the right thing.


#2 West, not Rahm

I hope Obama starts listening more to Cornel and less to Rahm.