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Angry yet? Banksters awarded bonuses more than six times higher than actual economy growth rate

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Peter Morici via Ian Welsh

    You got to admit President Obama obfuscates embarrassing facts and pays off his supporters as well as any politician since Huey Long.

    He slams health insurance companies, while endorsing heath care reforms that would compel thirty more million Americans to buy their policies or face a poll tax.

    Now he slams the bankers for paying themselves $140 billion in bonuses.

    Those bonuses were "earned" trading derivatives and other engineered products [watch these two videos] with the more than $2 trillion in cheap credit provided by the Federal Reserve, TARP and other Washington largess. Meanwhile, bankers denied worthy homeowners opportunities to refinance mortgages and solid small businesses credit.

    How much is $140 billion?

    The U.S. economy grew at a $89 billion annualized rate in the third quarter. That was the first growth since the second quarter of 2008 and came to $22 billion in actual growth in the third quarter.

    The bankers, after causing the greatest economic calamity since the Great Depression, are rewarded with six times the growth accomplished so far in the much heralded “economic recovery.”

    Meanwhile, seven million families face foreclosure and 25 million Americans can’t find full time work.

Frank Rich via bagnewsnotes

    What gives our Great Recession its particular darkness ... is the disconnect between the corporate culture that is dictating the firing and the rest of us. In the shorthand of the day, it’s the dichotomy between Wall Street and Main Street, though that oversimplifies the divide. This disconnect isn’t just about the huge gap in income between the financial sector and the rest of America. Nor is it just about the inequities of a government bailout that rescued the irresponsible bankers who helped crash the economy while shortchanging the innocent victims of their reckless gambles. What “Up in the Air” captures is less didactic. It makes palpable the cultural and even physical chasm that opened up between the two Americas for years before the financial collapse.

    The private-equity deal makers who bought and sold once-solid companies like trading cards, saddling them with debt, never saw the workers whose jobs were shredded by their cunning games of financial looting. The geniuses in Washington and on Wall Street who invented junk mortgages and then bundled and sold them as securities didn’t live in the same neighborhoods as the mortgagees, small investors and retirees left holding the bag once the housing bubble burst.

    Those at the top are separated from the consequences of their actions.

Food Stamp Use Soars, and Stigma Fades

    MARTINSVILLE, Ohio — With food stamp use at record highs and climbing every month ...

    It has grown so rapidly in places so diverse that it is becoming nearly as ordinary as the groceries it buys. More than 36 million people use inconspicuous plastic cards for staples like milk, bread and cheese, swiping them at counters in blighted cities and in suburbs pocked with foreclosure signs.

    Virtually all have incomes near or below the federal poverty line, but their eclectic ranks testify to the range of people struggling with basic needs. They include single mothers and married couples, the newly jobless and the chronically poor, longtime recipients of welfare checks and workers whose reduced hours or slender wages leave pantries bare.


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#1 in most need of money

It only shows that people are in most need of money especially those homeowners who are under the D4L program. The new Deed for Lease, or D4L, program allows homeowners to sign a deed in lieu of foreclosure and then rent back their home from the lender. Throughout when they are "renting," they can stay in the home and restructure the debt to make it easier to afford. The biggest benefit of the D4L program is that it gives struggling homeowners the chance to work with the lending company and proactively find an alternative solution to losing their property. Because of this, the homeowners are really much eager to have enough money for them to pay the renting and their debt at the same time.

#2 IRS Partners With CitiGroup in New Taxpayer Hold-up

For the latest in taxpayer hold-ups by the Gov-Bankster Gang, read this WAPO article which reports that IRS waived rules for Citi-Group to the tune of $38 BILLION.

Citi is one of the dirtiest banks of all, long known to launder drug money.