Sacramento for Democracy - Monthly Meeting and Potluck
Hi fellow SFD’ers

It’s been a busy time, but it’s not over yet. On Tuesday, the Californian Primaries are on. The following night, Wednesday, June 7th, Sacramento for Democracy will hold its post-election celebration by having one of our famous potlucks (yummy!) at our monthly won’t want to miss this! There will be lots of opportunity to discuss the election results and upcoming events.

RSVP here

Roanna Krisko is coordinating the potluck so please contact her at Roanna.Krisko AT or via her cell at 730-9044 and let her know what food item you would like to bring (main course dishes are needed). Peter will be bringing his famous Australian Chicken Casserole, Mary Ellen will be bringing her delicious chocolate cake…what food item will you bring to share?

Please see the SFD Monthly Meeting Agenda below. LULAC will be speaking at our monthly meeting and tell us what occurred with Bush’s recent visit to West Sacramento in regards to the infamous backpack bomb incident. Dan Bacher will be talking about the threat to the Salmon fish population. Karen Bernal will be talking about her recent trip to Washington DC. In addition, there will be lots of announcements and information.

Exciting news! Debra Bowen posted on DFA that she may be able to attend our SFD Monthly Meeting on Wednesday! What a thrill for all of us!

RSVP here

I look forward to seeing you at the Sacramento for Democracy Monthly Meeting and Potluck! Family, friends, neighbors and all are welcome, so bring them along!

Cathlyn Daly, President
Sacramento for Democracy, DFA, PDA, CEPN

Meeting Agenda
June 7, 2006

Potluck & Conversation

Welcome & President’s Report: Cathlyn Daly

Speakers: League of United Latin American
Citizens (LULAC; Dan Bacher

Announcements: George Main, Veterans for Peace; Steve Reed & Ed Unutoa, Cathlyn Daly

DFA/PDA Update: Karen Bernal

Nomination & Vote: Open Chair positions

Committee Updates: Committee Chairs

Time: Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 7:00pm PST
Length: 2:00