Science Friday: What is that Figure Eight in the sky? And the Wrong Way Jumbo Planet
There's no correlation between the two stories except that both are space related. The first two pics are of the solar analemma (youtube video) and the other is an artists depiction of the newly discovered planet in retrograde (going backwards)


What is an analemma?

    If you looked at the Sun at the same time each day, from the same place, would it appear at the same location in the sky? If the Earth were not tilted, and if its orbit around the Sun were perfectly circular, then, yes, it would. However, a combination of the Earth's 23.5 degree tilt and its slightly elliptical orbit combine to generate this figure "8" pattern of where the Sun would appear at the same time throughout the year. The pattern is called an analemma.

    The Sun will appear at its highest point in the sky, and highest point in the analemma, during summer. In the winter, the Sun is at its lowest point. The in-between times generate the rest of the analemma pattern. (See Analemma Curve.) Analemmas viewed from different Earth latitudes have slightly different shapes, as do analemmas created at different times of the day. Analemmas on the other planets have different shapes entirely!

Did Astronomers Catch Sight of an Exoplanet in Its Death Throes?

    In a star system 330 light years away from Earth, astronomers have spotted a giant planet that booms around its parent star in tight, fast circles, completing an orbit (the planet’s “year”) in less than one Earth day. The exoplanet, known as Wasp-18b, is so close to its star that researchers say it appears to be spiraling inwards to its fiery doom. But the odds of seeing a planet in its death throes are so low that researchers are searching for alternate explanations, and say the planet could force scientists to rethink established ideas about planetary forces known as tidal interactions [National Geographic News].

    The planet is known as a “hot Jupiter,” meaning that it’s a massive gas giant like our own solar system’s Jupiter, but it orbits in close proximity to its star. Current theories say that such a massive planet so close to its star should be pulling on the host star, creating a tidal effect similar to the moon’s pull on Earth. At that range the planet’s pull would be so strong that it would drain energy from its orbit, causing the planet to rapidly fall into the star [National Geographic News]. But if that’s the case, the planet would meet its death in less than a million years. Since the star system is thought to be about 1 billion years old, the odds of catching the planet in its last stages are one in a thousand.

    In the study, published in Nature, researchers list other explanations for the odd state of affairs. One possibility is that Wasp-18, a sunlike, medium-sized star, is a thousand times less energetic than would be expected. That would mean it produces much less friction on the planet than normal. This orbital drag, which scientists call the “tidal dissipation factor,” slows a planet each time it circles its star [Los Angeles Times]. If the star is producing less friction, it may not be slowing the planet’s orbit as much as expected. However, this would suggest that sun-like stars can have characteristics that scientists have never seen before.

    Astronomer Douglas Hamilton, who wasn’t involved in the research, says the final possibility is that “we’re just missing something — there is some property of stars or tides that we just don’t understand.”… An answer could be coming in just a few years. According to [lead researcher Coel] Hellier, if the orbit of Wasp-18b really is decaying at the expected rate, the effects should be measurable within the next decade [Los Angeles Times].

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