MMOB's Write the Right campaign on Social Security
MMOB's Write the Right campaign on Social Security

Have a party, or Write the Right on your own. Social Security is one of the most successful, humane and efficient programs ever. Let's celebrate that fact while reaching out to the sane Republicans who must be tired of all the strong-arming going on within their own party.

Just click here:

You will find the MMOB's resource on targeting moderate Republicans, including MMOB's directory of moderates by state, Social Security Stationery, Sample Letters, Backgrounders and more.

Here's the logic. We have close to 100 Republicans covering 37 states who are either on record as critical of privatizing Social Security, or are self-described moderates from the House Tuesday Morning Club, and from the Republican Main Street Partnership (noted in the directory as MAINSTREET). Some of these people are nightmares, but they can be useful in handing Bush an overwhelming defeat on Social Security. The greater discord we can create between Bush's radical "Rapture Right" and the more traditional members of the Republican party, the better.

Look for your state first. But don't stop there — write or call in as a concerned leader in a national membership organization (the MMOB, or your own group), using any of our Backgrounders (#1 and #2), Sample Letters and Stationery as resources.

Bonus Bonus: Consider writing a very brief letter to the editor commending any of the privatization opponents (quoted) on their principled stand for Social Security, then send them a copy.

Key to the List: We list the State, whether Senator or Representative, Name, Congressional District, Term, Chief of Staff, DC phone and fax info, mailing address phone and fax for State offices. MAINSTREET means they're a member of the moderate Republican Main Street Partnership. Snail mail to the DC offices gets held up for anthrax reasons. We've heard that faxing the D.C. number attention Chief of Staff is effective.

If you would like to check for moderates in your own state worth writing to, click here:

Best to everyone,

The MMOB Crew