Bono in Africa - Host a Watch Party
This week Bono began a six-country tour of Africa. His trip will shine the global spotlight on some of Africa's poorest nations. On Tuesday evening, May 23rd, for the first time in history, NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams will broadcast live from Africa; we are going to make sure this is an event to remember.

That night, ONE members all across the country will host house parties to watch this historic broadcast and get their community involved in the movement that is making poverty history. Please join us as we help Bono focus the world's attention on stories of hope and inspiration from Africa. Join your friends, have a bite to eat, watch the broadcast, and find out what's next. You will bring us one step closer to changing the world.

Can you host or attend a watch party this Tuesday?

Our votes, our voices, and our time add fuel to a fire that will make America the world leader in the fight against poverty. Next Tuesday night that fight will be waged in living rooms all across the country. Have some chips, turn on the television, and come together with your friends and neighbors.

Can you host or attend a watch party this Tuesday?

Thank you,

Michelle Dixon, ONE Team

Time: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 - 6:00pm PST
Length: 2:00