California for Democracy endorses State Senator Debra Bowen for Secretary of State
California for Democracy endorses State Senator Debra Bowen for Secretary of State

The results are in from our recent membership vote on the Secretary of State's race, and we've endorsed Senator Bowen for Secretary of State with an overwhelming show of support from our membership.

Of the 131 ballots cast, Senator Bowen received 124 (or 94.7%) of the votes, Senator Ortiz received 4 votes (or 3.1%) and "postpone the vote" received 2 votes (1.5%) and "no endorsement" received 1 vote.

We've communicated the results of the endorsement to Senator Bowen's campaign and they are very pleased to learn of the support of California for Democracy. In fact, Senator Bowen was very encouraged by the enthusiastic support she received from DFA activists at the California Democratic Party Executive Board meeting this last weekend, and was all the more hopeful that she would receive our endorsement.

California for Democracy is proud to endorse Senator Debra Bowen for Secretary of State and we are hosting a statewide conference call on Wednesday, February 22nd at 7pm to give you a chance to get to know her . Senator Bowen is a leading voice on election reform in California, and she plans to discuss the latest developments with the potential certification of Diebold electronic voting machines, as well as her work on restoring confidence in our elections system, reforming our initiative process and her priorities as California’s next Secretary of State.

Please save the date: February 22, 2006 @ 7:00pm PST. Details to follow.

For more information on Senator Bowen or to sign up for her mailing list, see:

Thanks so much for participating in our endorsement process!

California for Democracy Steering Committee
Tom Brown, Mal Burnstein, Vicki Cosgrove, Carolyn Curtis, Rob Dickinson, Michael Faulkner, Agi Kessler, Jo Olson