The People Unite to Defeat the Bush Program
San Francisco

On the 30th Anniversary of the End of the Vietnam War

Come to a Public Rally
Sat. April 30, 7pm

Defend Social Security!
Money for People’s Needs—Not War & Occupation!

Ramsey Clark (initiator, Impeach Bush campaign)
Trent Willis (Pres. ILWU Local 10) & others

Mission High School in San Francisco
3750 18th Street @ Dolores, near 16th St. BART

Downloadable flyer in English and Spanish

For more information, contact the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition in San Francisco:
Phone: 415-821-6545

The People Unite to Defeat the Bush Program:

Momentum builds for
People's Speak-Outs
in Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles & elsewhere
Details below on location, speakers, how you can be involved

The past few months have been incredible. People are rising up against the Bush administration's plan to privatize social security, against proposed federal and state budget cuts, against the continuing occupation of Iraq - against all of the attacks being levied by the Bush administration at home and abroad.

On January 20, tens of thousands joined the CounterInaugural demonstration in Washington DC. On March 19/20, over 800 cities and towns held protests as part of the Global Day of Action on the second anniversary of the "shock and awe" invasion of Iraq. There have been demonstrations in every city where Bush and others from his administration have traveled to promote the so-called "reform" of social security. The attack on working people and the labor movement by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has been met with fierce and militant resistance all over the state.

In response to the call circulated by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, people across the country are organizing and participating in People's Speak-Outs to say "The People Unite to Defeat the Bush Program: Hands Off Social Security, Stop the Budget Cuts, Fund People's Needs - Not War & Occupation." On May 7, the National People's Speak-Out will take place in Washington DC assembling at Plymouth Congregational Church. Buses, vans and car caravans are traveling from several East Coast, Southern and Midwestern cities. On April 30, a mass public rally will take place in San Francisco. On May 7, a community meeting will be held in Los Angeles to build for a May 21 People's Assembly and Speak-Out. People's Speak-Outs will take place across the country between April 30 and May 6. Please see below for details, downloadable flyers and more information on how you can become involved.

Funds are urgently needed to help the movement continue to get stronger. We can’t do it without your help. You can make a contribution through a secure server by clicking here, where you can also find information on how to contribute by check.

Time: Saturday, April 30, 2005 - 7:00pm PST
Length: 2:00